Black Sabbath Concert Reviews
August 30, 2007
Auditorio Nacional
Mexico City, Mexico


  • Ronnie James Dio - Vocals
  • Tony Iommi - Guitar
  • Geezer Butler - Bass
  • Vinny Appice - Drums
  • Scott Warren - Keyboards


  1. E5150
  2. Mob Rules
  3. Children of the Sea
  4. I
  5. Drum Solo
  6. Computer God
  7. Sign of the Southern Cross
  8. Die Young
  9. Falling of the Edge
  10. Voodoo
  11. Heaven and Hell
  12. (encore) Shadow of the Wind
  13. Neon Knights


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from Fababud <>
date Aug 30, 2007 11:06 PM
subject Heaven & Hell - Mexico City - Review

So... a Black Sabbath show without "Black Sabbath" and "Paranoid". Surprising, but not bad! Not at all! I did miss "Paranoid" but I think "Black Sabbath" usually slowed the show down (I've seen them before four times - with Dio, Tony Martin and Ozzy - and I always had the same impression).

The concert started with a bang ("Mob Rules"/ "Children of the Sea"/ "I") and ended even better ("Neon Knights"). For me, at least, the middle part was bit too slow, specially because of "Voodoo" and the drum solo (nothing against Vinnie, though, my problem is with drum solos!). Maybe something a bit faster, like "Master of Insanity" or "Time Machine", would fit well there.

As for the new songs, they only played "Shadow of the Wind", in a very heavy version. Still, I missed "The Devil Cried" - the best of the three new ones, in my opinion.

Dio was in a great mood - or so it seemed. The audience shouted his name throughout the whole concert, much more than they shouted "Sabbath", ha, ha. No one seemed to care that they had to call themselves "Heaven and Hell" these days. Dio is amazing. In some songs you could feel he is past his prime, but his voice is still so powerful.

The sound was heavy and clear, but it could be a bit louder, though. Geezer's bass did sound great! By the way, Iommi used a white guitar in one song (does anyone care about that or is it just me? I don't recall seeing him with a white guitar before, in all those years... maybe I was not paying attention...).

Anyway, it was a great concert and I enjoyed myself a lot.

Here's the set list - but I'm not so sure about the order of the songs in the middle section (between "Sign of the Southern Cross" and "Heaven & Hell"). I hope I didn't forget anything. Oh, and, as I mentioned, there was a drum solo somewhere...

Mob Rules
Children of the Sea
Sign of the Southern Cross
Falling From The Edge of The World
Computer God
Die Young
Heaven & Hell
Shadow of the Wind
Neon Knights

from Arturo Z�rate <>
date Sep 1, 2007 6:40 PM

Well!, a beautiful concert, Tony Iommi and his brutal riffs, and DIO, of course, great concert, the band play only 13 tracks, but it was great. I'm Arturo Zarate Lopez, from Mexico City. The Drum solo, it was amazing, and the sound was great. Thank you - Black Sabbath. And Tony Iommi.

from derek joe brockett <>
date Sep 3, 2007 9:03 AM
subject mexico city review and set list.

Hi there Joe, just back home from the Mexico City show. Here is the review of my experience.

A buddy and I traveled up from where we live on the coast of Oaxaca to Mexico City to attend the 30 august show. It was a 13 hour bus trip and by far the longest distance I had ever traveled to see a band play. Actually, I got off easy because I was contemplating flying to the U.S. before I heard the news that the Mexico dates were indeed going to occur.

We ended up running into Vinnie on the street near the venue early in the afternoon. We chatted a few minutes. I told him how much I was looking forward to the show and that I had seen him and Dio on the �last in line� tour in Dallas back in �85. He informed us that they would start promptly at 8:30 and that there would be no opening band. He was kind enough to sign my �live at hammersmith� CD. I was also carrying around the pickguard from my Iommi SG in case I happened to run into the band. I slightly kick myself for not hitting him up for some back stage passes, yet at the same time, I sensed he was in a hurry and I didn�t want to be a nuisance.

I was very pleased to see that they had made the effort to make T-shirts special for the Mexico leg of the tour. The shirt has the Live Evil album art with the new Heaven and Hell logo and on the back it has the 3 Mexican dates with the name of the venue in each city. Pretty cool. And a pretty good deal at 170 pesos (17 bucks maybe?). Outside the Auditorio metro station, however, it was pure pirate city. An enormous Black Sabbath black market. I was tempted to buy a �born again� T-shirt, but didn�t.

Well, Vinnie had told us correctly. E5150 started right at 8:30. The venue, which seats about 10,000, hardly looked full at all until the intro started and then it filled up. In fact, I think most sections were totally sold out with the exception of the most expensive floor seats and that section was about � full. The crowd was very happy to be seeing their heroes and the band seemed genuinely pleased to be playing before such an enthusiastic crowd. �Die Young� must be a Mexican favorite because nearly everyone in the venue was signing along so loud that it nearly drowned out the PA. There were people of all ages there. Old guys all the way down to infants. I thought about bringing my son who is four, but he prefers the ozzy line-up. Maybe I�ll take him if they do another reunion.

I was hoping that, having just come from a couple week�s off, they would play a long set. No. The set list was the short one but in a different sequence. I was very sad that my personal hero Tony Iommi did such a short solo during his spotlight moment. This was the first time I was able to see Sabbath in any carnation and they are by far the most significant band for me. I was really hoping to hear a good ten minute solo by the master. What he did was cool. He even inserted some very cool riffs over Geezer�s bass during his solo, but it was over way too soon for my liking. Maybe he just didn�t feel like doing much of a solo, which is ok I guess.

I hadn't been to an arena show in a very long time and was therefore suprized to see how cellphone cameras have replaced the traditional lighters. There were thousands and thousands of them recording during the entire show.

Fecha: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 12:34:30 -0500 (CDT)
De: Eduardo Parroquin <>
Asunto: *Heaven & Hell. Auditorio Nacional. 30/08/2007. Concert Review*

Hi Joe / Hola Joe

Te escribo desde Veracruz Ver. M�xico para ofrecerte mi rese�a del concierto de Heaven & Hell, antes que nada lo siento pero solo se hablar espa�ol (sorry, I only speak spanish). Bueno espero que lo publiques en tu pagina web, que por cierto es de lo mejor.

Heaven & Hell. Auditorio Nacional. 30/08/2007.

Eran como las 7:30 PM, cuando unos amigos y yo llegamos por fin al Auditorio Nacional despu�s de un viaje un poco largo y algo incomodo, mi expectaci�n era gran, ya que este es el primer concierto de Black Sabbath o Heaven & Hell al que asisto, as� que mi emoci�n estaba a tope.

Entramos a ocupar nuestros respectivos asientos varios minutos antes de que iniciara el concierto, el recinto poco a poco se llenaba, mientras tanto en el sonido local se escuchaba el disco Back In Black de AC/DC, en ese momento unos acordes de guitarra se hicieron escuchar y el publico empez� a gritar, le expectaci�n era grande, justamente cuando se terminaba de escuchar la canci�n You Shook Me All Night Long cuando las luces se apagaron, la misa hab�a comenzado.

El intro E5150 se hizo escuchar y los gritos de euforia no se quedaron atr�s, las luces alumbraron el escenario y Tony Iommi apareci� con su Gibson SG blanca y con Mob Rules comenz� la fiesta, Gezzer Butler y Vinny Appice lo acompa�aron y con un potente grito hizo acto de presencia Ronnie James Dio, era la locura, que forma de iniciar el concierto.

Con Children of the Sea y The Sign of the Southern Cross los coros del publico acompa�aron al grupo, Dio se acerco a la primera fila y saludo de mano a los presentes, �Gracias son los mejores� dijo en varias ocasiones, por su parte Vinny hizo temblar el lugar con un poderoso solo de bater�a, fue incre�ble.

Antes de interpretar Die Young, Dio presento al DIOS de la guitarra Tony Iommi y con gran maestr�a y pasi�n ejecuto un incre�ble solo / intro para Die Young, otro momento para el recuerdo, canci�n tras canci�n, himno tras himno la misa trascurri� hasta llegar al momento cumbre, Heaven and Hell sin duda uno de los mejores temas en la historia del metal fue anunciado por Dio y los gritos de emoci�n no pudieron faltar, Gezzer y Tony brillaron con sus instrumentos, mientras que Dio dirig�a al publico y este la respond�a, sin duda fue un momento m�gico, incre�ble e imposible de olvidar. �BURN! BURN! BURN IN FIRE!� Cantaba Dio y todos le segu�amos era la locura, �ooooooohhOOOOOOHH�.

El grupo se retirar�a un momento para luego regresar para interpretar en ENCORE, Shadow of the Wind fue presentado por Dio como uno de los nuevos temas por los cuales se hab�an reunido, y para finalizar Neon Knights que son� con gran potencia, el grupo se despidi�, la misa hab�a terminado, los dioses DIO, IOMMI, BUTLER y APPICE demostraron el poder del Cielo (HEAVEN) y el (AND) Infierno (HELL).

Para finalizar solo dir� que el �nico punto en contra fue el corto Set List que interpretaron, solo fueron 13 temas y no los 17 que normalmente interpretan, pero aun as� fue incre�ble.

Bueno me despido y dejo el Set List del concierto.

1. E5150
2. The Mob Rules
3. Children of the Sea
4. I
5. The Sign of the Southern Cross
6. Voodoo
7. Vinny Appice Solo
8. Computer God
9. Falling Off the Edge of the World
10. Die Young
11. Heaven & Hell
12. Shadow of the Wind
13. Neon Knights

Thanks and Best Regards
Eduardo Parroquin V.

from Rodrigo Hern�ndez Ruiz Esparza <>
date Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 10:45 PM
subject Black Sabbath @ The National Auditorium, Mexico City, August 30, 2007

Hi Joe!
The show was incredible! I think it was almost a sold-out in the National Auditorium.

Well, it was a great, incredible show. The first time Sabbath came to Mexico was in 1992 for the Dehumanizer Tour. After that, Dio has been regularly playing around the country so that's why all the fans were shouting 'Dio' instead of 'Sabbath'. It's kind of weird, but Dio when he heard his name from the crowd he turned around to look Tony Iommi and he said to him: 'Look to my children'. That gesture was really cool. Dio has played in many little cities like Hermosillo, Chihuahua, Monterrey and Guadalajara for around a decade, so that's why he's well recognized all over the country. And well, Mexico City has been always the big gig for every artist or band so the National Auditorium was full of metal-heads singing by heart the songs we all love and know. I assume that the same songs were played in the shows held in Guadalajara and Monterrey, since they are omitting five songs from the original set after they started playing in Europe for about a couple of months ago.

from Sachin Bharadwaj <>
date Sep 4, 2007 8:28 PM
subject Heaven and Hell, Live at Monterrey Review...

Back in college days, the days when my knowledge on heavy metal was still evolving, I still remember listening to a song called "Holy Diver" by Ronnie James Dio. I instantly fell in love with his voice, stable as rock, powerful and reckless as a berserk. For next few years I had lost touch with Dio's voice, till I got the rapturous news of Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell concert in Monterrey. I got three albums - Heaven and Hell, Mob Rules and Dehumanizer and got my ears tuned back to Dio. I listen to it over and over again, back to back, non-stop, day in day out.

9:30 PM, September 1st 2007 - Black Sabbath brought both Heaven and Hell to Arena Monterrey. We were just on time for the concert, while be grabbed our beers and entered the hall the Gods had already started their opening track dedicated to us "Mob Rules". I was awestruck at the energy levels and consistency and power and intonation and quality of Dio, 65 year old frontman. Not an ounce of any of those has diminished with his age. It was an indoor arena with crowd on three sides of the stage, we were on to the left of the band at an elevation. The crowd was going crazy to Iommi's riffs, banging their heads, gulping their beers, completely immersed in sheer classic heavy metal music. Most of them were dressed in black, had long hair which kept oscillating rhythmically due to head banging. The ambience was a typical metal concert one, darkness around with the bright stage in the center, sound quality was of high fidelity and of crystal clarity. The backdrop was the cover of "Heaven and Hell", three angels smoking, playing cards.

"Children of the sea" followed the "Mob Rules". As Dio started "In the misty morning, on the edge of time, we've lost the rising sun...." the crowd began to do the wave thingy with lighters lit and in no time transitioned to heavy riffs and made us bang our heads and sing along "Children of the sea...oooooooooo...".

Iommi, known for his mammoth heavy riffs, was dressed in black long leather jacket and was belting out his best riffs in the most humble manner -no monkey tricks, no flashy styles, no guitar swinging, no fancy picking.

They dished out more songs from Mob Rules - The Sign Of The Southern Cross, Falling Off The Edge Of The World and Voodoo. We were singing along for most of these songs, playing air guitar, banging heads, gesturing Dio's favorite "Devil's horn". Voodoo ended with an extended play by Dio screaming Voooooooooooodoooooooooooo pointing to each artists with heavy drum beats which was a kick-ass one. Falling Off The Edge Of The World, was like "made for headbanging" song, it had real rocking riffs and was a favorite of mine, especially the one that starts at second minute.

Dio walked out giving the stage to the New Yorker on the drums. Vinny Appice thrashed a 7 minute long drums solo. He controlled the crowd with his drum beats, we throbbed to his beats with rhythmic cheers.

They also performed "Shadow of the Wind", the new song born out of Dio's project with Black Sabbath. With that song, they proved that they are still able to maintain the Black Sabbath signature riffs for nearly three decades. It was a very meaningful songs with lines like:

"Still you chase what you can't see
Like death and pain and sin
And the Shadow of The Wind
The Shadow of The Wind"

After this song, I was screaming "Heaaaavvvennnnnnn and Heellllllllllllll", tearing my throat out with all the energy. Like God fulfilling the wish of his devotee, Iommi started the riffs which received the loudest response...yeah!!! Finally they started off with "Heaven and Hell", the track I was waiting for. Dio started off with "OoooooOOOOooooooOOOO" thing which we metal fans are so good at following and the whole arena was echoing with humming sound of the riff. Dio pulled crowd with his most amazing stage presence getting a thunderous ovation. They played a 9 minute extended version of the song, the guitar lead in the middle of the song was completely a different one and the stage was dominated by Iommi for nearly 4 minutes of extended solo which was brilliant. After bestowing their divinity with the title track, they stopped and the stage went dark.

The crowd started "We want more!!!", I was shouting "Neon Knights" and it looked as though the Gods were very kind on me. The encore consisted of one and only one song - "Neon Knights". I think every damned person inside the arena sang along "Oh no, here it comes again...." and the chorus was a thunderous "Neon Kniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiights". Iommi's leads were once again full of divinity and excellence. Dio got a Mexican flag from the fans in front, he waved it and with all the reverence he folded it and took it along with him. Butler and Iommi threw candies at the crowd, Appice hurled his drumsticks and with no more gestures the band walked backstage.