- Ronnie James Dio - Vocals
- Tony Iommi - Guitar
- Geezer Butler - Bass
- Vinny Appice - Drums
- Scott Warren - Keyboards
- E5150
- After All (The Dead)
- Mob Rules
- Children of The Sea
- Lady Evil
- I
- Sign of The Southern Cross
- Voodoo
- The Devil Cried
- Drum Solo
- Computer God
- Falling Off the Edge of the World
- Shadow of the Wind
- Die Young
- Heaven & Hell
- Neon Knights (Encore)
None yet. Have any? Submit 'em!.
from Jeff <alvari1@comcast.net>
to siegler@black-sabbath.com
date Apr 30, 2007 11:46 PM
subject Concert Review - Heaven & Hell in Broomfield Colorado April 29,
The Heaven and Hell
tour stop at Broomfield Colorado was amazing! It was like stepping back
in time to re-experience my the first concert I ever saw, circa Salt
Lake City 1980! (FYI – Broomfield Colorado is ~20 minutes North of
Denver) I caught a flight out of Salt Lake City to Denver Sunday
afternoon, checked into my hotel and then drove over to the Broomfield
Events Center. The Event Center is new and I’d guess holds about
12,000. When the lights went down for Heaven and Hell there were at
least 10,000 very hyped fans. (I missed the opening acts except for
watching Megadeth play “Peace Sells” – thinking I had an after show
pass… no such luck…) The Heaven and Hell Stage show was modest compared
to the last time I saw this “Sabbath” lineup but it still had enough to
it to keep you interested. However the band was what every one was
there to see. Ronnie’s voice was the best I have heard it in years –
sounding like he was on the original Heaven and Hell tour. Every song
sounded tight and well rehearsed. Tony’s “second” solo in Heaven and
Hell was even better than his first with the crowd really responding for
him, prompting Ronnie to acknowledge both Tony and the crowd response.
The highlights of the night had to include both “The Sign of the
Southern Cross” which the crowd went crazy for, and “Falling of the Edge
of the World” where Ronnie commented before about how the world really
appears to be going to shit right now but that “we have each other and
we will be alright”. That song the band really seemed to pour their
souls into. The evening ended too soon for us long time fans with a
single song encore of Neon Knights. However, I did not hear anyone
complaints – most likely due to everyone being exhausted from pouring
their own souls into every song the band played over the ~ 90 minutes of
the show. It was a great concert and I hope the band tours the US in
the fall and this stops in Salt Lake City so I can see them a second
from Rocky Harting <rharting@gmail.com>
to siegler@black-sabbath.com
date May 20, 2007 10:01 PM
subject Concert Review - Heaven & Hell in Broomfield Colorado April 29,
Black Sabbath Mob Rules tour was my first
concert experience in 1982 at Casper, Wyoming. It was very cool, but I
always felt let down because they didn't play Falling Off the Edge of
The World. This time I got to hear it, along with a full version of Sign
Of the Southern Cross!
I concur that Ronnie sounded absolutely amazing at the Broomfield Events
Center. I enjoyed the show a lot, but it was of disappointing sound
quality. The sound guy had the low frequencies up way too loud and the
band sounded like mush. Geezer's bass sound was effected the most. There
were points in Sign of the Southern Cross that I thought "Where the heck
are they?" I got the sense that Tony got lost during his solo too.
Geezer had this weird effect going on with his bass guitar that was
burying everything else.
Another song where Geezer sounded wierd was Lady Evil. Don't get me
wrong, he was playing the right notes, its just the sound was "off".
These are my only complaints about the show. It was very cool to see
these guys again. The stuff they played from "Dehumanizer" was awesome.
I'll have to get that on CD (I got it on cassette). The new stuff was
good too.
I'm not that familiar with Machine Head, but they were pretty good. It
was the 4th time I saw Megadeth, and Dave and his mates sounded pretty
good in spite of the crappy sound in the events center. It was the most
animated that I've ever seen Dave, he really seemed to be enjoying
himself. His guitar playing has never been better.
from Josh Wade <joshwade_101@yahoo.com>
to "siegler@black-sabbath.com" <siegler@black-sabbath.com>
date Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 4:43 PM
subject Concert Review - Heaven & Hell in Broomfield Colorado April 29,
Even though I am writting this review
over a year past the actual concert, this is definately one of those
things you just can't forget: The first time you see Black Sabbath in
concert. I was about 17 when I found out that Heaven and Hell was going
to do a tour. When I found out, I was willing to do anything short of
sell my soul to see them play. Living in Utah I rarely get the privledge
of seeing any good concerts, so going to Colorado was my best option.
All the arrangements were made to make this one of the best nights of my
life, and let me tell you, Sabbath delievered! After getting our tickets
at the office and waiting in line, we finally got into the center.
Machine Head had already started their set, so my friend and I bought
our shirts and then sat went to sit in our seats. By then, Machine Head
was finishing their last song and Megadeth was set to come on. During
most of Megadeths set we were trying to figure how to sneak into the GA
area, and as I'm sure you know that is often easier said then done. I
was far to distracted with that to enjoy Megadeth. I believe that we
finally got into GA around when they played Peace Sells, that being the
only song I really remember. When E5150 began playing and the lights
dimmed, I remember seeing Tony walk out. This man has been playing music
for over thirty years and with one glance he kicked my ass! After All
was a strange opener, I was shocked but in a good way. Then Mob Rules
came on, and I don't think I've been in a worse mosh pit. The funny part
being I was protected by a whole row of people and I still felt it. Alot!
Children of the Sea cooled it down alot, but then Geezers Bass punched
you in the face for the intro on Lady Evil. When I compare this concert
to videos of other Sab performances, I must say that everyone was in top
form. All the songs were amazing, my personal favorite, Die Young, got a
nice little solo thrown onto it and then an amazing performance of an
amazing song. Everyone was singing along with Ronnie at the end, DIE
YOUNG! The new songs sounded awesome as well. This was definately a show
that metalheads young and old could enjoy, and I think I'll leave it at
that before I ramble on too long! Also, I have a boot of this show if
anyone is interested. I'd love to share my joy with ya ;)