- Ozzy Osbourne - Vocals
- Tony Iommi - Guitar
- Geezer Butler - Bass
- Bill Ward - Drums
- Adam Wakeman - Keyboards
NOTE: Velvet Revolver cancelled this gig.
They were replaced by Rakadis & Stonegarden.
- N.I.B.
- After Forever
- War Pigs
- Dirty Women
- Fairies Wear Boots
- Symptom Of The Universe / Sweet Leaf /
Electric Funeral
- Iron Man
- Into The Void
- Black Sabbath
- The Wizard
- Sabbath Bloody Sabbath / Paranoid
- Encore: Children Of The Grave
- Outro: Changes
No photos available yet. Have some? Submit 'em!.
From: "jonm T" <jonmt48@hotmail.com>
To: siegler@black-sabbath.com
Subject: Ozzfest 2005 Tour Stuff
Date sent: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 17:36:54 +0200
Black Sabbath in Bergen, Norway 7/9-05
For several months I've been looking forward to this day. And finally,
there I am - in the outdour consert venue. Three and a half hour before
the masters will enter the stage. In fact, they hadn't even got to the
town yet.
So, there I am. The sun is making everybody warm and yucky. I find myself
a seat on the ground in front of the sound control tent, the only place
with shadow. The venue is not half way filled with people, only the
nearest front of the stage is covered with people. My plan is to stay just
av few meters in front of the sound control - where the sound should be at
its best.
I have for a long time considered myself as a Black Sabbath fan, but what
I don't get is that everyone expects you to like metal of all sorts, just
because you like Sabbath. Like grunge, death, black, drownin' and blood-
(and so on.) metal. No man, I just like Sabbath and Ozzy. "They are the
knights of dark metal"! - as the saying goes. So while I'm sitting there
waiting unpationally, the speakers are playing out the same lousy fucking
record for severeal hours. It's the sort of earlier-mentioned metal,
drowning or death or what the fuck it is. It certainly made me want to
stick my head in a bucket of blood.May be that it is me who's
"conservative" or "dumb", but what I know is that none of the members of
Sabbath like that kind of music too. It's nothing like their own! So why
has it been such an obvious reason to play that kind of music along with
Sabbath's? It's like Green Day and Iggy and the Stooges for comparation.
Well, anyway.
The originally warm up act was Velvet Revolver, but they had to cancel,
and a norwegian band took their place. A band to a norwegian stand up
comedian, and that was a fucking lousy band. No more comments!
Another norwegian band played too. Stoneguard I believe they called
themself. A band wich plays this sort of black metal with an opera singer
kind of guy by the vocals.
When these three and a half hours had passed, the stage was clared and set
up for the old heroes! Bill's drum kit came rolling on, and the crowd
cheered. Everything was cleared, and Ozzy started howl back stage along
with a mix of Sabbath songs. I thought it was unbelieveable. I've been
supposed to see Ozzy three times, but the shows have been cancelled. And
now, standing with 13 000 others, I heared Ozzy's voice wich made the
crowd scream! Starting to sing the soccer "anthem" and the crowd responced
immediately. He just stood back stage screaming for a few minutes before
he ran on stage. It was great to finally see him! Hallelujah! And then
Tony, Bill and Geezer followed. They started playing NIB, and it was just
unbelieveable. The sound was quite good, and the guys played great! Ozzy's
voice was superb! I believe they had the same set list as in rest of
Europe. The crowd was making noice and cheering during the entire show.
Ozzy was a happy face, just a big smile and in GREAT shape. Jumping,
stretching and dancing and going on the entire show. Seemed to be really
pleased by the crowd. They all seem to enjoy the gig. I'm really impressed
that Ozzy looked and moved so good. Not that I had doubt in him, but he
had more energy than any other perfomer. He was constantly in move. His
voice was also really good, until Dirty Women, when he at the end
(.walking the streets.) cracked his voice. And sort of destroyed it on the
"castrato singer's" level. When playing Paranoid and Children of the
grave, he had more or less lost his voice. So he tried to push really hard
on, and screamed out the words. It worked for a few lines, but the crowd
sang so loud along him that it made no difference. I had much sympathy for
him, knowing that singing as high as he does is NOT easy. It didn't make
the show bad at all. Ozzy gave absolutely everything and what I love about
him is that how ever false he might sing, he doesen't stop singing nor
looking embarrased. He doesen't give a damn there and then. Just keeps
going. It's a really great attitude.
When introducing "the guys on stage", he was really funny. Made us scream
Bill Ward about ten times and he knealed for Tony, praising him for quite
some time. He had so much energy!
Tony's guitar playing was like always - just phenomenal! So was Bill and
Geezer. Tony and Bill seemed to have a really good time they as well. Bill
stood up several times waving towards us, and even Tony raised his hand up
and down, showing us his "rock hand". Geezer only seemed to be in a big
consentration, standing pretty much on the same spot. I don't know, but
maybe he was a bit tired of playing..? He played good although. I saw him
having quite many basses hanging in the back, but I did only see him using
two. First one of his black ones, and then he switched to a turkeese
(spelled right?) Fender guitar.
The sound they four made was just great! Exposing such a warm, soft and
massive energy wich made a really good atmosphere. It influenced everyone
there, because it was really powerful! I loved it! Best show I've ever
At the end Ozzy thanked us, praising us and saying we were a great great
audience. He wished us safe trips back home. "You don't wanna fucking die
alone, man!"
When the show was over, and all the people had left the venue, I and some
other people stood waiting where they all entered in cars. We had to wait
some time, butt hen we saw the police and the guards preparing "The
Leaving". A black car turned out from the safety area, and waited behind a
police car. I started to walk fast towards it as it just stood still on
the road. I lokked in, and there were Tony and Geezer sitting in the back.
I walked towards the window and rasing my thumb to them. They saw me, and
smiled and waved back! Then this guard demanded me to remove, and then
another black car rolled out on the road. The police started driving, as
did Tony's and Geezer's car, tightly followed by this second car. I bend
down and saw Ozzy and Sharon. I waved my guts out, but they speeded so
fast they didn't see me. But it was cool to see them so close. I never saw
Bill, but I walked back home with a grin from ear to ear.
Kar Berna
From: Roy Hilmar Svendsen <royhilmar@gmail.com>
To: siegler@black-sabbath.com
Subject: Sabbath in Bergen, Norway
Date sent: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 20:34:14 +0200
Hi, a few words on the Black
Sabbath-concert at Koengen in Bergen, Norway on Saturday. Sabbath came on
at 20:30, and played for around 90 minutes. Completely sold out, which
means there were 13.000 people there. This being an outdoor show in the
middle of the bright Scandinavian summer, it was bright and sunny for the
entire show.
After Forever
War Pigs
Dirty Women
Fairies Wear Boots
Symptom of the Universe/Sweet Leaf/Electric Funeral
Iron Man
Black Sabbath
The Wizard
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath/Paranoid
Children of the Grave
(Outro: Changes (over PA))
Can't remember hearing "Into The Void", but not completely sure it was
left out.
The band was in great shape and a wonderful mood, and was a joy to watch!
He showed his ass twice, and was all smiles the entire evening. Great
crowd, and Ozzy got 26.000 arms in the air for the final song. Tony seemed
to be enjoying himself too, and actually pounded his fist in the air and
showed the devil-sign on several occations.
Ozzy lost his voice completely halfway through "Paranoid", and could
hardly be heard during the encore. Not that it mattered, 'cause he had
13.000 filling in for him on vocals :-) As they left the stage, Ozzy got
the entire crowd to sing Bill Ward's name. What a night!
Here's links to some reviews (in Norwegian, but with great pics):
From: "Alan Haywood."
To: "Joe Siegler" <siegler@black-sabbath.com>
Subject: Bergen Gig Norway
Date sent: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 10:32:18 +0100
What a fantastic place Bergen Norway it is
still daylight at 23.45 on the 9th July sunny all day the sabbath gig has
just finished i saw the band back in June at the warm up gig in Aylesbury
and i wanted to make a comparison between the first gig and the last gig
on the european tour.I won't go into the set because i think it was more
or less the same as the first and that has been well noted on other
reviews on this site i spent a couple of days in bergen before the gig, it
was held in an old fort overlooking the harbour with the mountains in the
backdrop a fantastic venue.I also met up with some of the sound and
lighting crew from the gig in the hotel bar the night before and had a
very interesting chat with them. The gates opened at about 17.00 this
security guy said to me you can't bring your camera's into the gig
something about copyrights what a dick, so my partner had to take all my
gear back to the hotel but i still had a small sony camera in my jacket so
i did get some pics , there were guys selling beer vouchers as you went
in, a lot of people bought these vouchers because beer in norway is about
10 to 15 or more dollars for a small glass in the bars, so if you bought
the vouchers you could drink as much as you wanted. There were two warm up
bands i have never heard of but they went down well with the locals but
did not cut it with me, when sabbath came on the people went mad there
were a lot of people pissed out of there heads on the beer. I have never
seen so many people thrown out of a gig infact there were a lot people
leaving before sabbath finished there set because i think they were scared
of the drunks ,anyway i have seen sabbath at so many gigs in the past
dating back to 1970 and they didn't disappoint me as long as you don't
expect them to perform like they did in the 70s when most of the
recordings were made with ozzy i mean if you can't accept that man don't
go to gigs, the only gig that came close to the 70s gigs was the one in
Aylesbury in june in a small hall the sound was awesome very very loud and
the band were very fresh well fit especially ozzy , anyway getting back to
the bergen gig towards the end of the set, children of the grave ozzys
voice gave up, something you must expect taking into account all the
things that have happened to ozzy in the recent past, you can't keep doing
sets like they did in 70s when you are in your fifties and been singing
for the best part of 35years without it taking it's toll, some people who
are going to read this review and might think listen to this old fart
going on, but when i was talking to the security guys near the stage some
of the locals thought i was part of security team so i can't look that bad
man, me being the same age as terry butler, i think the band can go on but
i will be surprised if ozzys voice will hold out on the american tour,
they will always be regarded by me as the best band in the world and ozzy
the best stage performer there is. there is no one that comes near him he
is the master without doubt i have seen all the various singers with
sabbath when ozzy left in the 78 or there abouts and you can't get near
the ozzys time with the band, i would like to pay a tribute to sharron for
keeping ozzy going she is one hard bastard man, and also to bill ward you
are the greatest man an icon, terry and tony can play on forever i have
been a loyal fan for 35years, i did see Velvet Revolver at the G8 in Hyde
Park an awesome band, they were supposed to play with sabbath at bergen
that's what it said on the ticket but Velvet Revolver don't need to
support any band they are brilliant in there own right, you can agree or
disagree with my review personally i could'nt care a fuck either way , i
am going to check out Tony Iommi daughters band Lunar Mile in August to
see what that is all about i have been told the guitarist sounds a bit
like Tony. One more thing there are a lot of other web sites saying they
are official black sabbath but for me Joe has got the best one man what a
nice guy. |