- Ozzy Osbourne - Vocals
- Tony Iommi - Guitar
- Geezer Butler - Bass
- Bill Ward - Drums
- Adam Wakeman - Keyboards
- After Forever
- War Pigs
- Dirty Women
- Fairies Wear Boots
- Symptom of the Universe / Sweet Leaf /
Electric Funeral
- Iron Man
- Into the Void
- Black Sabbath
- The Wizard
- Sabbath Bloody Sabbath / Paranoid
- Encore: Sleeping Village / Children of
the Grave
- Outro: Changes
You can view the photo gallery for this gig here!.
From: Panayiotis Papandreopoulos <madgreco@yahoo.com>
To: siegler@black-sabbath.com
Subject: Ozzfest 2005 Tour Stuff
Date sent: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 03:05:16 -0700 (PDT
Black Sabbath played in Rockwave Festival at
Malakasa, 37 Km away from Athens. This is the second concert of Black
Sabbath in Athens. The first one was on the 21-7-1987 with Tony Martin at
vocals. However this is the first time with the original line-up. And the
20000 spectators of all ages who have come today to see them were eager to
listen how this re-union would sound. Would they against the time prove
their indisputable abilities?
As soon as Velvet Revolver finished I moved as closer to the stage as I
could in order to attend "Black Sabbath" better. Better was a matter of
speech because when they appeared on stage at about 9:30 playing the first
notes of "NIB" all hell has broken loose. The Absolute Panic!!! The
audience was at a frantic state and no one could stop it. Already at the
second song "After Forever" we have sweated so much that our clothes were
so wet like having soaked in the sea. The "War Pigs" that followed was
addressing to real war heroes since it was almost impossible to breath
there let alone to take photos. The repetitive crowd surfers exploded like
bombs over our heads.
Nice surprise by listening the first notes of the forgotten "Dirty Women".
Iommi literally "painted" at the extended solos of "Fairies Wear Boots".
Time for a multi-song medley mix consisted of "Symptom of the Universe /
Sweet Leaf / Electric Funeral". Enough, suffocation, time for a retreat,
to go a bit backwards others I feel I `ll die. Iron Man came to demolish
us while Iommi-Buttler launched their lethal fastest riffs and solos. Time
for a trip "Into The Void", while "Black Sabbath" sent us to other
dimensions. Nice moment watching Ozzy whistling his harmonica at "The
Wizard". After having listened the notes we thought Sabs will play
"Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" but they changed to "Paranoid" making us
paranoiac. Ozzy thanked us and the band disappeared from stage. However
the manic crowd asked for more and they returned for an encore, playing
Children of the Grave with a little Sleeping Village in the beginning.
That was all. Especially at these last two songs even the most distant
spectator was headbanging. Ozzy couldn't be in tune at this last song but
this was a secondary matter. Black Sabbath farewell us definitely. As a
send-off it was heard "Changes" from the loudspeakers on the way to the
exit. Their 90-minute has satisfied even the most demanding fan playing
both "greatest hits" and less famous songs.
We were ecstatic attending the first (both historically and musically)
band of the world that has determined "Heavy Metal" and influenced
thousands of bands. The most amazing is that today's Black Sabbath are not
a relic of their glorious history but keep a lot of their energy to excite
still thousands of people. The sound was loud and absolutely perfect. One
could listen every single note from the bass of Geezer, Iommi's guitar or
Ward's drums and realize their importance not only as composers but also
as musicians.
Ozzy throughout the concert was moving up and down and threw two buckets
of water to the audience during Paranoid. He was shouting continuously to
the audience: "You are crazy", "We love you", "God bless you". (On the one
hand the god blessings and on the other one "My name is Lucifer please
take my hand"). I haven't attended any of the shows at their heydays in
the early-mid 70ties but judging from this one I don't think they have
lost much despite the pass of 30 years.
Many (including myself) might disagree with some of the band's (especially
Ozzy's) points of view and lifestyle (especially "The Osbournes") but on
stage they are the "Masters Of The Universe".
From: jjijiijij ioiioioioioi <leozzy7@yahoo.gr>
To: siegler@black-sabbath.com
Subject: sabbath 4ever
Date sent: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 10:34:56 +0100 (BST)
I just wanna say that the show in Athens
was fucking great.I'm trying to get my thoughts together but it's simbly
impossible.Up to now i' ve listened to people telling me"OZZY is
finished"and"OZZY hasn't got it" and making fun of me for believing in
OZZY and BLACK SABBATH.Since the concert day everyone shut up and admitted
what i' ve been telling from the beginning,and OZZY proved once again his
music immortality.So BLACK SABBATH for ever.Thanks God for being alive.
Leonidas from Greece.
From: dorian jane <dorian_janegr@yahoo.com>
To: Joe Siegler <siegler@black-sabbath.com>
Subject: Re: Black Sabbath at Rockwave Athens 06/25/05
Date sent: Sat, 2 Jul 2005 07:11:53 -0700 (PDT)
I knew i had to sleep early the night
before the Black Sabbath/Velvet Revolver/Black Label Society/Wastefall
concert ( part of the Rockwave festival held at Terravibe venue,Athens). I
also knew that me sleeping early that night was simply impossible. I've
been up till 5 o' clock in the morning drinking beers and having a long
discussion with my friend Sophia (too serious to end it) and when i found
out what the time was, i just decided to have a cup of coffee and head off
to the meeting point. Buses were planned to depart at 08:00pm from the
White Tower, Thessaloniki. Yeah, i wish!!! I fell asleep there on the
couch and didn't wake up until 07:12 pm. I heard my alarm clock ringing
but i simply ignored it. Thank god for Fotis (my husband) and Jim (sorry
Jim, i know i had to wake YOU up) calling me several times so i managed to
wake up!!!!! I dressed up and left my friend's house within 4 minutes,
grabbed a cab and reached the meeting point in no longer than 8
minutes!!!! (i was lucky enough cause it was so early in the morning and
the streets were empty, cause the distance between Kalamaria and the White
Tower is quite long). And what a beautiful crowd waiting for the buses to
arrive this was!! It felt sooooo good... seeing new faces and meeting
again with the old ones....hehehehe NEVER TOO OLD TO ROCK N' ROLL!!!!!!
We had two stretch-out stops.Imagine 600 hundred metalheads suddenly
appear at Tembi and Kammena Vourla on their way to the Rockwave festival
and fload the places!!! Awesome!!!! We were all in such a great mood ! I
must say that all old (and i mean old) Sabbath fans had only one word in
their mouth: "I feel i'm in my teens again". That sums it up alright
regarding the spirit!!!! (And i'm sure i won't find any bus drivers having
listened to so much Heavy Metal music, other than ours)...
The doors opened at 15:30 am. Thus, by the time we arrived (about 5 o'
clock in the afternoon) the "arena" in front of the stage was so packed,
there was no chance of finding even a spot to stand.. (Sad for Jim cause
he wanted to get as close as he could to the stage..Not possible, though
he tried).
The sun was freaking hot and the air was thick with anticipation.Thanks to
the trees surounding Terravibe, there was more than enough shadow for
those who wanted to hang around or chill out until Sabbath went on stage.
Cause the truth is that this crowd belonged to Black Sabbath.
A glorious night was about to begin.
WASTEFALL -a Hellenic band- opened the concert at about 17:30 am and
though they played only four songs, they managed to set on fire all the
sunstroke metalheads in the arena (Hehehe) I really liked that solid
thrashy power metal sound!! They should and did put a great performance-
Hell, when you are opening for Black Sabbath , you just can't do any less
!! (And Hellenic scene trully has too much to give. Alas!!!)
BLACK LABEL SOCIETY followed. Young metalheads approaching the stage.Dust
raised from thousands pairs of feet which we all inhaled. They put out a
great show. But as time went by, they sounded so Sabbathish and repetitive
in what they played, they became monotonous.(Sorry Zak, you are a great
guitar player and i love you still but...) And i'll quote Jim " they play
very well but not even a single note is left there in your mind"- for that
was a fact. They just made me wonder "why do i have to listen to them/ why
don't Sabbath jump onto stage right now???"
VELVET REVOLVER on stage and riot under it! Hmm..having almost all Guns n'
Roses on stage was cool. As i am into that punk/dirty rock n' roll sound,
i enjoyed their performance.. Slash playing his guts out, and that
singer!!! (Scot Weiland i presume).... I wonder what his poison is! Hehehe..
i guess he has one to many.. Don't try to hide it dude....it shows!!!! And
what was that talk about f...ing male asses right there on stage???
Hmm???Was that part of a song or..??? You were lucky nobody really
understood or paid attention to what you were saying at the time!.... To
wrap it up, the sound was great, they played only three songs from Guns n'
Roses including "so easy" - i wasn't really there for the rest- (trying to
get some Margaritas for me and Jim-who couldn't move with ease)- but since
their singer appears to be so wild, why oh why would he have to imitate
the postures and gestures of Axl? Well i guess it's cause they came "from
Hollywood to kick" our asses - well guys , wrong asses... You left nothing
but a hungry for Black Sabbath crowd!
(I really loved the t-shirts offered by "Metal Hammer" magazine with the
BLACK SABBATH at last!!!!
We had some bets running while on the road regarding their opening song -
I WON - Cause it was N.I.B, and not War pigs (the opening song in the
Bulgaria gig two days before), or Iron Man, or...well it doesn't matter
anyway cause i won the bet. This one was mere ecstasy....All people
present with smiles of bliss, singing each and every song, Ozzy rested his
voice leaving us singing N.I.B., Fairies wear boots (oh yes, we do), Dirty
women, Symptom of the Universe, Iron Man,Wizzard,War Pigs..With the first
notes of Paranoid all hell broke loose and when they played the Black
Sabbath song , 25.000 lighters and several torches set the night on fire!!
I couldn't feel the ground under my feet... Who could? Nobody, i tell
you!! And that Ozzy! Falling on his knees and offering his respects to us
all... When they said "goodnight, we love you all,god bless you" what
could we do but beg for more..Children of the grave was a song too many
for Ozzy i guess..but i'm not going to blame him. How many performers are
there in his age,still giving it all like there's no tomorrow?? The
original 4 on stage made magic once again... One of the rare times you get
to see people of such different ages, joined together to witness the
unexpected and long wished for.
Paulo Coelho said in his Alchemist: "When you long for something too
much,the whole universe conspires for you to get it". So it did once
To those who think that old BS fans wouldn't recognise them cause they are
older now..hehehhe they haven't changed one bit!!! And that was the
message on the ticket photo after all!!!!
P.S.: I regreted not taking my photo camera with me.I know i should
disregard the rules stated on the concert ticket. (I think i was propably
the only legit person that night)
Dorian Jane
From: dorian jane <dorian_janegr@yahoo.com>
To: Joe Siegler <siegler@black-sabbath.com>
Subject: Black Sabbath in Rockwave Athens, 06/25/2005 - Review
I knew i had to sleep early the night
before the Black Sabbath/Velvet Revolver/Black Label Society/Wastefall
concert ( part of the Rockwave festival held at Terravibe venue,Athens). I
also knew that me sleeping early that night was simply impossible. I've
been up till 5 o' clock in the morning drinking beers and having a long
discussion with my friend Sophia (too serious to end it) and when i found
out what the time was, i just decided to have a cup of coffee and head off
to the meeting point. Buses were planned to depart at 08:00pm from the
White Tower, Thessaloniki. Yeah, i wish!!! I fell asleep there on the
couch and didn't wake up until 07:12 pm. I heard my alarm clock ringing
but i simply ignored it. Thank god for Fotis (my husband) and Jim (sorry
Jim, i know i had to wake YOU up) calling me several times so i managed to
wake up!!!!! I dressed up and left my friend's house within 4 minutes,
grabbed a cab and reached the meeting point in no longer than 8
minutes!!!! (i was lucky enough cause it was so early in the morning and
the streets were empty, cause the distance between Kalamaria and the White
Tower is quite long). And what a beautiful crowd waiting for the buses to
arrive this was!! It felt sooooo good... seeing new faces and meeting
again with the old ones....hehehehe NEVER TOO OLD TO ROCK N' ROLL!!!!!!
INFO: 3.000 tickets were pre-sold in Thessaloniki only. 10 buses left the
White Tower heading for the Rockwave festival on 06/25/2005 morning. The
rest used trains, planes and automobiles. Approximately 25.000 people
attended the concert. LONG LIVE BLACK SABBATH!!! We had two stretch-out
stops.Imagine 600 hundred metalheads suddenly appear at Tembi and Kammena
Vourla on their way to the Rockwave festival and fload the places!!!
Awesome!!!! We were all in such a great mood ! I must say that all old
(and i mean old) Sabbath fans had only one word in their mouth: "I feel
i'm in my teens again". That sums it up alright regarding the spirit!!!!
(And i'm sure i won't find any bus drivers having listened to so much
Heavy Metal music, other than ours)... The doors opened at 15:30 am. Thus,
by the time we arrived (about 5 o' clock in the afternoon) the "arena" in
front of the stage was so packed, there was no chance of finding even a
spot to stand.. (Sad for Jim cause he wanted to get as close as he could
to the stage..Not possible, though he tried). The sun was freaking hot and
the air was thick with anticipation.Thanks to the trees surounding
Terravibe, there was more than enough shadow for those who wanted to hang
around or chill out until Sabbath went on stage. Cause the truth is that
this crowd belonged to Black Sabbath. A glorious night was about to begin.
WASTEFALL -a Hellenic band- opened the concert at about 17:30 am and
though they played only four songs, they managed to set on fire all the
sunstroke metalheads in the arena (Hehehe) I really liked that solid
thrashy power metal sound!! They should and did put a great performance-
Hell, when you are opening for Black Sabbath , you just can't do any less
!! (And Hellenic scene trully has too much to give. Alas!!!) Photo taken
from their official site BLACK LABEL SOCIETY followed. Young metalheads
approaching the stage.Dust raised from thousands pairs of feet which we
all inhaled. They put out a great show. But as time went by, they sounded
so Sabbathish and repetitive in what they played, they became
monotonous.(Sorry Zak, you are a great guitar player and i love you still
but...) And i'll quote Jim " they play very well but not even a single
note is left there in your mind"- for that was a fact. They just made me
wonder "why do i have to listen to them/ why don't Sabbath jump onto stage
right now???" VELVET REVOLVER on stage and riot under it! Hmm..having
almost all Guns n' Roses on stage was cool. As i am into that punk/dirty
rock n' roll sound, i enjoyed their performance.. Slash playing his guts
out, and that singer!!! (Scot Weiland i presume).... I wonder what his
poison is! Hehehe.. i guess he has one to many.. Don't try to hide it
dude....it shows!!!! And what was that talk about f...ing male asses right
there on stage??? Hmm???Was that part of a song or..??? You were lucky
nobody really understood or paid attention to what you were saying at the
time!.... To wrap it up, the sound was great, they played only three songs
from Guns n' Roses including "so easy" - i wasn't really there for the
rest- (trying to get some Margaritas for me and Jim-who couldn't move with
ease)- but since their singer appears to be so wild, why oh why would he
have to imitate the postures and gestures of Axl? Well i guess it's cause
they came "from Hollywood to kick" our asses - well guys , wrong asses...
You left nothing but a hungry for Black Sabbath crowd! (I really loved the
t-shirts offered by "Metal Hammer" magazine with the "SUMMER BLOODY
SUMMER" logo on.I WANT ONE!!!) BLACK SABBATH at last!!!! We had some bets
running while on the road regarding their opening song - I WON - Cause it
was N.I.B, and not War pigs (the opening song in the Bulgaria gig two days
before), or Iron Man, or...well it doesn't matter anyway cause i won the
bet. This one was mere ecstasy....All people present with smiles of bliss,
singing each and every song, Ozzy rested his voice leaving us singing
N.I.B., Fairies wear boots (oh yes, we do), Dirty women, Symptom of the
Universe, Iron Man,Wizzard,War Pigs..With the first notes of Paranoid all
hell broke loose and when they played the Black Sabbath song , 25.000
lighters and several torches set the night on fire!! I couldn't feel the
ground under my feet... Who could? Nobody, i tell you!! And that Ozzy!
Falling on his knees and offering his respects to us all... When they said
"goodnight, we love you all,god bless you" what could we do but beg for
more..Children of the grave was a song too many for Ozzy i guess..but i'm
not going to blame him. How many performers are there in his age,still
giving it all like there's no tomorrow?? The original 4 on stage made
magic once again... One of the rare times you get to see people of such
different ages, joined together to witness the unexpected and long wished
for. Paulo Coelho said in his Alchemist: "When you long for something too
much,the whole universe conspires for you to get it". So it did once
more!!! THANK YOU BLACK SABBATH!!!! "So you children of the world, listen
to what I say If you want a better place to live in, spread the words
today Show the world that love is still alive you must be brave Or you
children of today are Children of the Grave." (Children of the Grave -
Master of Reality 1971) P.S.: I regreted not taking my photo camera with
me.I know i should disregard the rules stated on the concert ticket. (I
think i was propably the only legit person that night) Dorian Jane
Thessaloniki Hellas |