- Ozzy Osbourne - Vocals
- Tony Iommi - Guitar
- Geezer Butler - Bass
- Bill Ward - Drums
- Adam Wakeman - Keyboards
- After Forever
- War Pigs
- Dirty Women
- Fairies Wear Boots
- Symptom of the Universe / Sweet Leaf /
Electric Funeral
- Iron Man
- Into the Void
- Black Sabbath
- The Wizard
- abbath Bloody Sabbath / Paranoid
- Sleeping Village / Children of the Grave
View the photo gallery for this gig here.

From: "Hans-Ulrich Krell" <hukrell@t-online.de>
To: <siegler@black-sabbath.com>
Subject: GIG "Olympiahalle München", June, 16th, Munich , Germany
Date sent: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 12:22:05 +0200
Yesterday, I visited the "Olympia Halle" in Munich in order to experience
This is my short review about the gig (June 16th 2005 Germany).
I have seen them 6 Years ago. It was a big surprise to me that they were
in much better shape than back in the late 90's. Especially Mr. Butler did
a hell of a job. The set list was some kind of unusual, because they put
those songs at the beginning of their show, that are usually placed in the
final part of a Black Sabbath' gig. Sorry folks, I can't remember the
whole play list, because I was busy with nodding my head off. As far as I
remember, they started with N.I.B., After Forever, War Pigs and Dirty
Women. All in all, the gig lasted 85 minutes. They started right in time
at 8.30 pm. After having played Paranoid, they gave one encore, which was
Children Of The Grave. They also included Fairies Wear Boots, Iron Man,
Electric Funeral, an absolutely stunning version of The Wizard, Into The
Void and Black Sabbath. They even included the first part of Sleeping
Village into their set list (up to the line ".feel at ease"). I've also
heart the beginning of Symptom Of The Universe., melted with other famous
songs as some kind of medley.
They haven't used pyros or anything that could be called "outstanding" but
the lightshow was very well done. It supported and emphasized the spirit
of the songs. Ozzy's stage acting was surprisingly great. I expected the
old man behaviour that he has shown on his TV-series. But he was very.let
us say: flexible. He did what he always does. This evening, not only water
buckets were thrown into the audience. After having played The Wizard,
Ozzy also threw his mouth harmonica into the audience. Unfortunately, I
was too far away from the stage to catch it.
As I said before, all of them were in a good shape. It really rocked!
Nevertheless, some weaknesses could be noticed. As far as it appeared to
me, Tony had some difficulties during the fast part of Into The Void and
Bill had difficulties with holding the beat during Black Sabbath.
Especially at the beginning of the final part of the song, he simly lost
it for some seconds.
I was not completely satisfied with the sound. Ozzy, Tony and Geezer were
incredibly loud. So far, so good! But I had problems with the drum sound.
Basedrum, snare and hi-hat were ok. But whenever he played one of his
famous breaks, I had difficulties to hear the toms and some of the
cymbals. But as we all know, the sound quality is always dependent from
the listeners position in the concert hall.
All in all it was a great experience and worth the money I've payed for.
Whenever they tour again, I will be there!
In the end three unsatisfying things should be mentioned:
1.Do not invite Soulfly again. They have nothing to do with Sabbath!
Therefore they absolutely do not fit into the picture. Moreover, they do
not make music, they produce noise.
2. BLACK LABEL SOCIETY did a stunning job. They could have done all the
warming up on their own.
3. The sirens of War Pigs would have been a much better intro than a mix
of songs you'll hear again during the show.
From: "Rene Schon" <Rene@fachinformatiker.biz>
To: <siegler@black-sabbath.com>
Subject: Black Sabbath Concert 2005-06-16 Munich
Date sent: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 15:26:33 +0200
Black Sabbath Concert Reviews
June 16, 2005
Munich, Germany
I want to give you some more information about the Sabbath concert two
days ago in Munich Germany.
Sorry, for the bad quality of the pictures, but they were made with my
mobile Phone.
Even there was no pyro, laser or video show, the concert was great. I
guess three generations on people were there inside the hall.
Ozzy was like a young god within the 20s. Jumping, running?.
There must be a great heat on stage, that's why Bill was drumming in short
trousers and without a shirt.
Geezer and Tony ware like every time. Straight and fabulous.
concert was about 1,5 hours.
Kind Regards
Rene Schon (a great Sabbath fan from Germany)
- Keep on rocking-