- Ozzy Osbourne - Vocals
- Tony Iommi - Guitar
- Geezer Butler - Bass
- Bill Ward - Drums
- Adam Wakeman - Keyboards
- Intro Tape (montage of
old Sabbath audio) & Supertzar
- War Pigs
- N.I.B. (minus
- Fairies Wear Boots
- Into the Void
- Band Intros by Ozzy
- Black Sabbath
- Snowblind
- Iron Man
- Children of the Grave
- Paranoid (w/ Sabbath
Bloody Sabbath Intro)
You can view the photo gallery for this concert
From: "Joe Siegler" <siegler@black-sabbath.com>
Subject: Sabbath Concert Review - August 5, 2004 - Dallas TX
Date sent: Fri, 06 Aug 2004 17:53:48 -0500
Well, last night in the
heat of Dallas I saw Black Sabbath. Again. I've seen them now
a total of 10 times (once each with Ian Gillan, Ray Gillen, Ronnie Dio,
three times with Tony Martin, and now four with Ozzy (all in 97 onwards,
none from the 70's). To be honest, going into this show, I have to
admit the only reason I attended Ozzfest 2004 was for two reasons.
First was Judas Priest. I've seen Priest with Halford twice already
(back in 1984 and 1986). However, seeing Priest again was definitely
the attraction for me, as I haven't seen 'em in awhile. The second
reason was that I got my tickets comped because of my connection running
this site. Would I have gone if I had to pay? I don't know,
but I think part of that comes from the fact that I've seen them several
times before. Running this website, and seeing them as many times as
I have, I've seen them play Iron Man / War Pigs / Paranoid numerous times,
and to be honest, I don't need to see that anymore. I did skip
Ozzfest 2001 for that reason (of course they go and play a NEW song during
Ozzfest 2001, so I got burnt on that one). However, that's not
to say Sabbath wasn't great. They were. But more on that in a
I went with a long time
friend (who makes home brew beer, and had an odd but good Chipotle Pepper
Beer with him to sample), and we got there around 6:20 or so. After
sitting in my truck and drinking some of his beer, we headed in.
First thing we did was peruse the outer area, checked out the insane
prices for concert shirts ($35 for a T-Shirt? Pass), as well as the
offerings and other concert goers. I'll be 39 in two weeks. I
have to say this. As I've gotten older, and the bands I've followed
for a long time have also gotten older, so have the audiences in general.
There were some kids there, but for the most part, this Ozzfest seemed to
generally be older. And therein lies the rub. Folks who have
been going to concerts who are around my age should dress like their age.
I probably was the most normally dressed person there - just sneakers,
blue jeans, and a green T-shirt with nothing printed on it. There's
nothing sadder than an older concert goer still dressing like they did
when they were 20. Particularly if they're female. It's not
that older women can't look good, it's just that your average concert
going metal female who is dressing the same way they did when they were 18
don't look that way. I mean, there were a few I saw that were
positively revolting. The worst example was a women who looked like
she weighed about 275 pounds wearing what amounted to a French bikini.
Positively nasty. These kind of people need a mind reboot. My
friend who was with me was saying "Uh, I did NOT need to see that".
However, on the more
positive side, there seemed to be more boobs on display than in years gone
by. There's always been a willing supply of females willing to let
the world see what their tits look like at these shows, and this one was
no different. In fact, the display of breasts seemed more organized,
with a "Body Painting" booth. Apparently, women could go in there,
get topless, and get their fronts painted, and walk around that way.
As a guy, it's always nice to see boobs on display - in fact, I don't
think there was any female with this body painting that I could describe
as bad, so that was good. However, I wonder about the legality of
this. Not that I mind the display, but given that Ozzfest is
sponsoring a body painting booth (at least it appeared to me they were, as
it was inside the concert area), is it legal for women to walk around
essentially topless? Again, I don't care, more boobs on display is a
GOOD thing. Just curious.
Anyway, about the show.
As I said earlier, my friend and I got there in the middle of Slayer's
set, neither of us had any particular interest in seeing. I only
know one Slayer song anyway (Seasons in the Abyss), so we just people
watched for a bit more. Decided against drinking the beer on sale
(upwards of $10.50 for one 24oz can). As you see here (if
you're reading this on the web, and not in the newsletter), I was given a
backstage pass by my contact who hooked me up with tickets. We
headed on over to where we believed the area was, and found an usher who
told us to hang out where we were standing. We were told to look for
a guy in a black shirt that had "Supervisor" on his back. So we
found him, and asked him about it. We then got all kinds of badass
looks and remarks from the first guy, who appeared to be one of those
people who wanted to be a cop, and couldn't, so he can push people around
in concerts. I decided I didn't want to deal with that crap, so we
headed to the stage to watch Judas Priest. If I was 20, I might have
stayed, and waited, or at least made myself more noticeable so I'd
actually get to use the pass, but I'm not 20, and I don't care to fight
that battle, so I just went and watched the shows. Which is what
this is all supposed to be about, anyway.
By the time we got back
to the stage, Judas Priest came on within a few minutes. As I said
above, I'd seen Priest twice before with Halford (in 84 & 86), and the
2004 rendition was just as great as I remembered it back then. I
longer set list would have been greater, but what we got friggin kicked
ass. Here's the Judas Priest set list (pretty much what's been
played elsewhere):
- The Hellion / Electric
- Metal Gods
- Heading out to the
- A Touch of Evil
- The Sentinel
- Victim of Changes
- Breaking the Law
- Beyond the Realms of
- Green Manalishi with
the Two Pronged Crown
- Painkiller
- Hell Bent for Leather
(first encore)
- Living After Midnight
- You've Got Another
Thing Coming
Rob Halford is now 53,
and I have to say, he can still wail. That's always been Rob's
strong point, and I wasn't sure how well his voice would hold up. I
shouldn't have been worried. He missed a note here and there, but
then again no one's perfect, that didn't seem to be because of his vocal
strength. Apologies to Tim Owens, but Judas Priest is back.
It's as if they were still on the Painkiller tour from 1990.
Priest has always been one of those bands for me where the band was always
"there". I know the members names, but I think for most people, the
fixation with Priest is the sound and Rob Halford. KK Downing, Glenn
Tipton, Ian Hill, and Scott Travis make one hell of a noise, but Priest
for me has always been about the vocals. Having said that, the band
was really tight and powerful. Halford wore his traditional full
leather outfit (shown
here in a pic on judaspriest.com), and I cannot imagine it was very
comfortable for him. It was a typical Texas summer night - about 95
degrees - probably warmer up by the stage because of all the people in the
place. But he never showed it, he performed without giving up any
indication that he was hot or uncomfortable. He had to have lost 10
pounds in this show with that outfit. :) One moment I did like
was during the opening of Breaking the Law, Rob along with KK, Glenn, &
Ian all stood next to each other, and from where I was, it looked like
they were playing each other's guitars. It appeared that Rob was
strumming KK's, and KK was on Glenn's, etc. I don't know if that was
really the case, but when the song hit vocals, they played their own stuff
- a cool little moment.
I wished we could have
had a longer set, but that's a negative to festival gigs like this.
As it is, Priest played longer than Black Sabbath anyway, and Sabbath was
the headliner. Judas Priest's new album comes out on December 28th -
I was hoping for one song from the new one here, but we didn't get that.
Anyway, the word is that Judas Priest will be back out in 2005 to support
that album on their own, so hopefully we'll get a full length show from
Priest. If they do that, bet your ass I'll be there.
After Priest played, I
decided to just sit in my chair, as my body doesn't take long periods of
standing up as well as it used to. What did surprise me is how
quickly the sets got changed out. Usually, it's longer than that,
but the changeout from Judas Priest (who had a stage set) to Black Sabbath
was less than 20 minutes. Wish it could be that quick on standard
concerts - it always seems to be longer that way.
So I'm sitting there
saying to my friend "I wonder how long it will take into the gig before
Ozzy goes "I can't fuckin' hear you". Well, I got my wish before the
gig even started! During the set breakdown of Priest, they pulled a
large curtain in front of the stage. Couldn't see anything directly,
but at the angle I was at over the left I could see behind the curtain,
and saw a little of it, them moving Bill's drum kit into position, but in
the Dallas show, there was no intro video. We did have the intro
audio montage of Sabbath clips. There just was no video with it, as
was reported as being there in some of the earlier gigs. We got to
listen to the montage, and then at the end of the montage, we got the
usual Sabbath intro song, Supertzar. During that, the curtain was
backlighted, and we saw the guys standing there behind the curtain.
We then got the intro to War Pigs started, and a roadie pulled the curtain
away, so we could see the Sabs. Here's the full set list from
- Intro Tape (montage of
old Sabbath audio) & Supertzar
- War Pigs
- N.I.B. (minus
- Fairies Wear Boots
- Into the Void
- Band Intros by Ozzy
- Black Sabbath
- Snowblind
- Iron Man
- Children of the Grave
- Paranoid (w/ Sabbath
Bloody Sabbath Intro)
has been said by a lot of other reviews I've already posted for this tour,
the set list is well.. boring. At least for me. Is there
anything "wrong" with it? No - the songs are awesome. There's
no dissing Sabbath's songs. However, I've seen Black Sabbath ten
times, and I have to say, there really needs to be variety in the set
list. I suppose if you've never seen Black Sabbath before, this is
OK, but I"d say the majority of the people attending a Black Sabbath
concert have seen them before. It's for these people that the set
list needs to be changed. Outside of Ozzy's time in the band, there
have been 10 other studio albums. But OK, I'm resigned to the fact
that Sabbath with Ozzy won't do those. But there's still a total of
8 studio albums with Ozzy, and they didn't play anything past the first
four. In fact, a breakdown shows they had two from the first album,
four from the second, two from the third, and one from the fourth.
Now again, I know in a festival setting, it's a short set list, but
there's got to be a way to break it up a bit. I mean, you could
replace Snowblind with Symptom of the Universe. They could actually
PLAY Sabbath Bloody Sabbath instead of teasing the crowd with the intro.
Hell, they did Dirty Women in the 1999 Ozzfest shows. For some
reason, they choose to totally ignore the Never Say Die album, which is a
shame (I'd absolutely love it if I could hear Johnny Blade live).
But enough about the set list. It needs to be changed. Go do a
proper tour, where you're the actual headliner, not a festival, that way
we could get a properly expanded set list.
One other thing I have a
reputation for is that I prefer the non Ozzy Sabbath years to the Ozzy
stuff. I've seen Sabbath with Ozzy four times now since they got
back together, and some of the past performances from Ozzy have been
dodgy. Not this time. Ozzfest 2004 was by far the best shape
I've seen Ozzy in, both physically and vocally. His voice was
strong, it didn't break, and he didn't seem as worn down as I'd seen him
before. As much as I've taken shots at him over the years for this,
I have to give Ozzy props - this was by far the best I'd ever seen him.
Especially right after his accident on the bike (I know it's not a bike,
but I can't think of the proper name at the moment). Thumbs up to
him. Of all the guys who have handled the microphone for Black
Sabbath (there's been 8 official ones), none of them could work a crowd
like Ozzy Osbourne. He is a perfect showman. He's not the best
technical singer the band's had, but dammit - he knows how to work a room,
and that's what a frontman should do. Get the crowd going, and
dammit, Oz knows how.
The rest of the band was
spectacular as usual. Tony, Bill, & Geezer make one hell of a noise.
And it sounds great. In fact, it was so great, I almost don't know
what justice I can do to it by writing about it here. Just take my
word for it. It sounded perfect. Tony even added a lick
to Paranoid that I hadn't heard before. Given I've heard these songs
more times than I can count, I recognize any change, and that was a nice
changeup, hearing a different lick.
If you haven't seen Black
Sabbath before, you're in for a treat! The band is awesome, Ozzy
doesn't appear to have any health problems, and you get all of Black
Sabbath's biggest hits. If you're reading this and haven't yet seen
Ozzfest, and you're able to go - go. You'll love it.
From: gerald.b.labarrere
Subject: Ozzfest 2004 Tour Stuff
Date sent: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 21:02:24 -0500
Just returned home to New Orleans (Chalmette acturally, just outside of
N.O.) from the Ozzfest in Dallas, Texas. Wanted to share with you my
experience. First of all let me say that I really love your site although
I've never written to it before. I'm 54 and have been a fan of Black
Sabbath since the beginning. I saw them on their first tour at a place
called the Warehouse here in New Orleans. It was just an old coffee
warehouse in which they built a stage and threw some old carpet samples on
the floor. If you ever saw it in the daytime you'd run away, but I tell
you I saw some of the truly great bands play some amazing concerts there.
Anyway, Sabbath has been my favorite band ever since. Their reunion tour
in 1999 was awesome. They were like a fine wine, just better with age.
They were tight to the max, and Iommi was magical. I saw them 4 times that
year; twice in Dallas, once in San Bernerdino, CA (there were 50,000
people at an outdoor amphitheater....WOW!!), and once in Biloxi,
Mississippi. All four shows were great. I thought for sure they would
record another album together and tour again in the near future, but of
course they did not....until this years Ozzfest.
So before I get to my "review" of thier show, let me tell you a little
about Ozzfest itself. First of all it was a bright sunny day and the heat
index was 110 degrees F. Now Ozzfest starts at 9AM and runs all day ending
with Sabbath which was around 10:30 PM. So it stands to reason that you
probably would not want to be there all day. Perhaps you'd come a while
and shop at the many booths, see a band you like, go back to the hotel or
your pad and rest awhile, and return fresh for some other bands you might
like, right? WRONG!! Once you were in the place you couldn't leave and
come back in....NO RE-ENTRY! On top of that you could only bring in one
container or water...no ice chest...NO BLANKETS....NO UNBRELLAS...NO
FUCKING NOTHING!! So if you planned to see a band you liked in the
morning, you had to stay all day. Shade was extremely limited, bringing me
to the refreshments. Water....$4.50 Beer 12oz.....$6.50; 16oz.....$7.50;
20oz.....$8.50.....Food even more rediculous! What a fucking ripoff!!!
Another example....I wanted an Ozzfest T-Shirt.....$35; so I didn't get
it. However, when I was walking out at the end of the night they were
selling the exact same T-Shirts outside of the fest for $10 apiece...I
bought 2 of them. I tell you Joe, I'll never go to another event like that
no matter who is playing. We got there at 3PM and for the most part hated
it until Judas Priest came on.
O.K., to the music. All the bands I heard leading up to the Priest were
absolutely aweful! All you could hear was extreme bass, both from the bass
guitar and the bass drums, and the singer screaming and groaning in that
devil type voice. All the songs sounded the same; pure-d trash. I feel
sorry for the youth of today. Their bands have no talent and the music, if
you could call it that, is terrible. Anyway, the Priest finally came on.
Now I am not a real fan of that group, but I tell you it was a pleasure to
hear some real musicians play. On top of that the mixing was just about
perfect. You could hear each instrument without any one overbearing on the
rest of them. I'm not even familiar with most of their songs, but the
musicianship was great. The singers voice was the same as it was 20 years
ago. The did a 2 song oncore and then the wait was just about over.
Before Sabbath came on they played a compilation of songs from the past
with various pictures flashing on the hugh monitors and Ozzy screaming out
Come On and Alright over the PA. Then they did a short air raid siren and
went into War Pigs, followed by NIB, Fairies Wear Boots, and then Black
Sabbath, but without the burning torches around the stage as in the past.
Then came Snowblind followed by Children of the Grave which was the end of
the regular show. The oncore was Paranoid with a Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
intro. As a guitar player I am and always will be in awe of Tony Iommi. He
is simply the best and my idol; and it is always a privilage and honor to
watch and listen to him play. Hell, my wife and I drove 535 miles to
Dallas to Black Sabbath and I had to get up at 5AM the following morning
to drive back to be at work on the night shift....which is where I am at
this very moment typing this to you. But what I couldn' t help but notice
is that this show was hastily put together and the band did not practice
very much for it. I mean they are all great musicians and can play a show
with little or no practice, and it showed. Tony improvised more than usual
and it didn't always fit so well. I doubt if very many people even
noticed, but being a long time fan and a musician myself I could see it.
Still it was a great show and I'm really glad I saw it because I don't
know if I'll ever see them again; and practice or not, Tony is the best
and I love to see him play. What was well done was the video of war and
other things on the monitors; it fit the music so well. Guess that's about
it. Your site is the best man, keep it going. Rock on Brother, Gerald
LaBarrere Chalmette, Louisiana, USA jl28040@yahoo.com
From: "Rogelio Matamoros"
Subject: Ozzfest in Dallas and San Antonio
Date sent: Sun, 08 Aug 2004 20:28:20 -0500
Hello Joe. This is maybe the fifth mail that i've send to the list and I
hope that this will get some attention. And also I'm sending a couple of
photos from the show in Dallas, shoot by a friend of mine also from
Well, I think that I can offer a couple of diferent vissions about the
show since I was in Dallas at the pit and in the first seats section in
San Antonio. First of all even when out there would be somebody interested
in all the bands that played at the main stage, I think that there's an
evident difference from Black Label Society, Super Joint Ritual and Dimmu
Borgir to Slayer, Judas Priest and Black Sabbath. In my opinion the first
three bands are mere openers for the big show. And please their fans of
those bands don't missunderstood my words, but the reality is that they
don't have the historic factor and neither the musical level of Slayer and
much less than Judas Priest and the mighty Black Sabbath.
The set lists of all the bands were pretty much the same that all the
reviews have mentioned, and to start I have to say that in Dallas I was at
the pit, right at the front, so the quality of the sound usually is not
the best because you listen directly to the backline of the bands. So with
Slayer I listen to the guitar of Kerry King more than anything else. But I
can say that Slayer technically cannot play a bad concert, because they're
simply an acurate and absolute killing music machine. And Dave Lombardo,
the drummer, is a separate show himself.
Judas priest are enjoying some privileges that none other band have had
playing at the Ozzfest without being Ozzy or Sabbath, but they deseve it
without any doubt. They're playing the same time, and maybe a little bit
more, than Sabbath, and they have the more spectacular stage show of the
night. And the spectation about the return of Rob Halford it's being an
important factor in the succes of this edition of this Ozzfest. Even when
I feel that his voice went from minus to more at the show, at the moment
of "Victim of Changes" the power coming from his throath inminently runs
inside your veins. And nothing to say about those legendary solos from
GlennTipton and K.K. Downinng and their historic twin harmonies.
But the moment for Black Sabbath to take the stage had arrive and they
done it in a very shockig way. First of all that big courtain with seven
devil logos looks spectacular, and the desicion to use "Supertzar" for the
intro give the creeps trough my spine. And again I have to say that maybe
this time I was not at a Black Sabbath concert but a Tony Iommi concert.
Because being right in front of him is innevitable to verify that he is,
and always have been, Black Sabbath. Even when gezzer Butler wrote almost
all the lirycs of the songs played this night, you have to remember that
Iommi has been Black Sabbath with Dio, Gillan, Martin and Halford. But to
think of a Black Sabbath with, I don't know, maybe Randy Rhoads, Blackmore
or Zakk Wylde is like a sacrilege.
If somebody reading this was at the show, let me tell you that I was the
guy showing the message of "IOMMI IS NOT GOD... IS THE DEVIL" to the band,
specially (of course) to Iommi and Ozzy, receiving from the "Riff Master
General" a couple of picks during the show and an unforgetable smile from
both of them.
In San Antonio I was at the first numbered seats section, so this time I
enjoy the show musically. But unfortunatelly the acoustic of the
Amphitheater is not the best for this kind of shows, so with Slayer and
Judas Priest the volume of the guitars was so low. But with Sabbath this
condition change and I can check the incredible counterpart that Geezer
Butler is for Iommi. His sound is just amazing and I checked that hi is
not using his Vigier basses anymore. This time he played one that loocks
like a Fender but I didn't see very well the brand. And By the way, Iommi
use just two guitars. A Gibson "Tony Iommi" SG and the very old SG with
the white picks sticked to the plate. Bill Ward was amazing, keeping his
amazing jazzy stile surrounded in his majestic white drum set. And about
Ozzy I don't have so much to say that nobody knows. He sings out of tune
very often, so he uses a plenty of effects. He lost his cue in a couple of
songs and the security stage manager would never forget Ozzy and his b
In my oppinion this have been the best Ozzfest of the history because of
the three top bands at the main stage and it's a shame tha this tour don't
get to more places, in special Mexico and SouthAmerica, countries in which
Heavy Rock have so much tradition.
Rogelio Matamoros. |