- Ozzy Osbourne - Vocals
- Tony Iommi - Guitar
- Geezer Butler - Bass
- Bill Ward - Drums
- Adam Wakeman - Keyboards
- War Pigs
- N.I.B.
- Fairies Wear Boots
- Into the Void
- Sweet Leaf
- Black Sabbath
- Snowblind
- Iron Man
- Children of the Grave
- Paranoid (w/ Sabbath Bloody
Sabbath intro)
View the photo gallery
for this concert here.
From: Tony DeCecco
Subject: review for 7/10
Date: Mon, Jul 12, 2004
Me and 5 of my friends went to
Ozzfest at the CTNOW.com center.....GREAT SHOW.
The venue is quiet horrible, actually....it's no PNC Art Center, that's
for sure.....we were in the front Orchestra about 10 feet from center
We got there at 6PM, and tailgated in the parking lot until 7:15. We were
only there for Priest and Sabbath. Both played for 75 minutes.
Priest was in there early 1980's form....great stuff. 2 classic
tracks...Victim of Changes and Beyond the Realms of Death really got the
more experienced Priest fans going. Halford looked good and sang a great
show. I was worried that his voice and the way Priest sounded would
overshadow Sabbath...but not true.
When Sabbath came on ...the sound was phenomenal and Ozzy's voice was
great. They played the same stuff the did back in 2001, but that's OK...it
was all in tune, sharp, and the Sabs looked like they were having a great
time. Best part was the Iommi guitar work at the end of the song Black
Sabbath....they really extended the ending quiet a bit and Tony showed why
he was voted best Heavy Metal guitarist.
With these 2 metal heavyweights playing back to back at the same venue,
this was definitely the best concert I've ever been too...
From: Chris Soricelli
Subject: Hartford Review
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 22:23:04 -0400
I was at the Hartford Ct show last night (1st on the Ozzfest tour). The
show was awesome. I saw the band on the 2001 Ozzfest ad wasn't as
impressed as I was this time around. The sound was amazing - you could
hear every note perfectly clearly that Toni Iommi played. They didn't play
anything out of the ordinary (last time I saw them they played "The
Wizard"), but they absolutely rocked. Ozzy was kind of hit or miss on
hitting some of the notes, as usual, but what was surprising was that he
had a lot of the higher parts and the screaming perfect.
Anyway, thanks again for keeping the site going...
From: Rob P
Subject: Ozzfest 2004
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 23:11:02 -0400
being an obsessive black sabbath fan ( all era's but ozzy's especially) i
must say that saturday nights show in hartford, ct was phenomenal.
starting out before a lick of music was played ozzy teased the crowd by
screaming his trademark " make some fucking noise" into the mic followed
by " i can't fucking hear you" and then " louder ,louder". while a medley
of sabbath hits were played as an intro u could see the silhouettes of
geezer (stage left) tony ( stage right ) and of course the madman himself
in the middle dancing around as though he was 18 years old again.
when the curtains came down a sonic explosion occured. the sirens for war
pigs started and of course the original black sabbath started a night of
incredible music.....again. followed by N.I.B. ( which kinda surprised
this particular fan) , fairies wear boots and into the void ( always a
favorite of mine ) the band was tight , strong and ozzy appeared to be
enjoying himself more than i have ever seen him in years. he definitely
has a love for performing with black sabbath, especially his closest
friend bill ward, which he made sure this hartford crowd knew who was
behind the kit by repeatedly screaming his name while introducing the
gezzer , bill and tony.
a definite standout was during sweet leaf when the giant video screen,
which definitely helped showcase both geezer and tony during their playing
and especially tony's solo's, something you don't see alot of bands or
crews doing these days. the numbers 4:19 appeared while sweet leafs intro
was played and slowly the numbers turned to 4:20 ( a lil hip hop influence
on the masters of metal and reality) while smoke swirled around the screen
and the stage was bathed in green light. you gotta love this band!!!!!
during the song black sabbath the boys from outside birmingham proved how
much less is more. the dramatic usage of a few chords and notes was
incredible and still as haunting as ever, especially with the classic line
of " satan's sitting there he's smiling" as the video screen gave a great
close up of the madman himself as his wicked, evil cackle i'm sure sent
lil children to bed with nightmares or love of the dark presence that is
black sabbath. finishing their incredible set with snowblind, ironman,
children of the grave and paranoid (with the intro of sabbath bloody
sabbath being used to tease those of us who know almost every song these
dark masters) it definitely shows that black sabbath not only can still
rock as well as any of these new kiddies out on the market, but if they
felt like it could still continue to tour after ozzfest as well as release
new material.
this was my first time seeing the original black sabbath together and i
know it was the best show i've ever seen. even after an amazing set my the
newly reformed judas priest, black sabbath still proved to be the masters
of metal.
rob pella
From: Mike Maitino
Subject: oz-fest review
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 22:14:00 -0400
Had a great time at OZFEST in hartford, Conn. Drove 3 hours from upstate
Slipnot was an excellent hard cord rap up of the "day show" and Judas
Preist and Slayer rocked on into the night.
The place was roaring all day. Despite the heat, dust, high prices and
very long day it was an unforgetable event in my life. I never dreamed i
hear Paranoid or War Pigs played in concert by the origionals. When you
lived through this event it is impossible and unfair to describe the
awesome memories I will charish.
The only sour note of the entire event the politics thrown in during "War
Pigs". I am a huge proud American and I feel great honor having George
Bush President and it was very disappointing to see him portrayed in such
a degrading manner and compared to Hitler. I don't care what Ozzy or Black
Sabbaths' opinion of the USA's politcal role in the world, but it just
didn't "fit" 'at the concert. The concert is an escape from the stresses
of life and I pray they would remove that video from the show.
Thank you,
Mike Maitino
Ozzy and Sabbath fan for 20 years
[ Additional reviews available
here on sabbathlive.com ]
Ozzy Reunites with Sabbath
by Philip D'Amour (this review originally appeared online
HARTFORD - "I'm baaack," announced Ozzy
Osbourne much like he had in years past, but this time the Ozzman brought
along some old friends.
Ozzy Osbourne reunited with his groundbreaking metal band Black Sabbath
for a downright old school Ozzfest 2004 which also featured other
nostalgic metal acts like Judas Priest and Slayer as well as newer acts
like Slipknot, Superjoint Ritual and Black Label Society.
But the real news was Osbourne's return to Sabbath. The unofficial king of
metal once again found himself singing with Sabbath's original lineup:
drummer Bill Ward, bassist "Geezer" Butler and guitarist Tony Iommi.
As a group, Black Sabbath created, or at least defined, popular heavy
metal music. And so Saturday night found them defining this year's kickoff
of Ozzfest at the CTNOW Meadows Music Center before a thoroughly sold-out
crowd of dedicated metal heads.
Sabbath opened its 60-minute set with its 1971 metal masterpiece "War
Pigs" from the classic album "Paranoid." "War Pigs" sounded as pertinent
and vital Saturday as it had over 30 years ago thanks in part to the giant
screen behind the band that projected images of war and less than subtle
images of our current president, George W. Bush (including a shot of him
wearing a superimposed red clown nose).
"I didn't die Christmas" said Osbourne, referring to his near-fatal ATV
accident this past winter, "and I'm not dying now - I've got too much
rocking to do!"
With that Osbourne and his band reached even further back for the satanic
"N.I.B" from their self-titled 1970 record debut. The band continued to
please with classic favorites during its eight-song set including "Fairies
Wear Boots" also from "Paranoid" as well as "Into the Void" and "Sweet
Leaf," both from 1971's highly influential "Master of Reality."
Though Osbourne's voice has never been brilliant, it sounded a bit weak,
but not as weak as one might have thought not that long after such a
serious accident. What's more, Iommi's guitar playing was as strong and
riff-filled as always, providing just the right amount of oomph to
Sabbath's vintage material.
Other highlights included the band's epic namesake "Black Sabbath" and the
slightly more forgettable tune "Snowblind" from the 1972 album "Black
Sabbath, Vol. 4." However, it was the natural set-closer "Iron Man" that
truly stole the show.
Though its place at the end of the set was predictable, it was nonetheless
enjoyable. Fans reveled to see metal's first great bands perform one of
metal's most enduring songs.
Still, Sabbath wasn't the only reunion Saturday night. Their fellow Brits
from Judas Priest gave it another go, performing their own hard-rocking
75-minute set. Priest ran through most of its dark classics including
"Living After Midnight" from 1980's "British Steel" and "Victim of
Changes" from 1976's "Sad Wings of Destiny." But it was the band's smash
hits "Breaking the Law" also from "British Steel" and "You've Got Another
Thing Coming" from 1982's "Screaming for Vengeance" that still roused the
most applause even after all these years.