This picture is a promo pic from Tony’s “Fused” solo album in 2005.


  • Real Name: Anthony Frank Iommi (Melby is NOT part of his name)
  • Birthdate: February 19, 1948
  • Birthplace: Birmingham, England
  • Band Position: Lead Guitar
  • Started in Band: 1968 – Founding Member
  • Left Band: Still here.  If he leaves, that’s it for Sabbath.
  • Album appearances: Everything!
  • Other Bands: The Rockin’ Chevrolets, Mythology, Jethro Tull





  1. im just a fan says

    i want the Tony Lommi GS

  2. tony is the definitive heavy metal godfather…thank you ..tony iommi!!!!

  3. Tony , Hope all is going good with your treatment . Daily thought and prayers for you from myslef and others here in Pennsylvania (United States) ! Looking forward to see you and the rest of the guys real soon !

  4. Hope all is going well with your treatments Tony ! Daily thoughts and prayers going out to you ! looking forward to the new music and new tour !

  5. Just to wish you all the best with your fight against cancer,Tony. Followed you for years and enjoyed numerous concerts; always top notch and professional. Get well soon!


  7. TONI! Get well soon and we will see each other in Dortmund, Germany in June!!!!!!!!!!

  8. rainbowdemon says

    Tonny,you must survive!!!!!!!!

  9. Tony! My heavy metal Godfather! I have been a fan since I was 13, I am now 53. Never had the chance to see all 4 of you together. Get well soon! Hope to see you here in the states. Many thanks! Big Lou

  10. i like tony immoni best guitar

  11. Who is Toni Lommi, Tommy Immoni or Tony Liommi?

  12. George Solon says

    Tony you were a true gentleman both times we met,Also the greatest guitar player of all time none close.Get well soon and best of luck to Sabbath.


    Gracias Tony por tu magia! Sos el padre del Metal

  14. i hope mr iommi made all it is possible to have bill on drums!
    god bless him .

  15. Tony get better soon lookin foward to you coming to vancouver B,C canada youl pull through not to worry

  16. please mr iommi!
    svp MONSIEUR IOMMI faite que Bill joue avec vous!
    pensez a nous merci
    god bless you

  17. Thomas Jefferson says

    é o pai do rock

  18. alan winemiller says

    if it wasant for the music of sabbath and tony iommi , i dont think i would be here ! i lost someone very close to me , my mum as tony would say! and beat cancer and pray tony will too. hope to meet him someday !!!

  19. Hope you are doing well and getting better Tony ! Prayers and wished for you !

  20. Best guitarist of Heavy Metal music.There with the Sabbath,every album and lineup change.His riffs are the best.I love it when he walks the stage when playing.I think he is awesome.I like his solo albums,as well.I like just about everything he has done.

  21. Dear Tony,
    Please, let me tell you that I´ve got so many memories listening to BLACK SABBATH´S music since the first time I listened to it in 1971!!! …I was just 13! … Since then I became in a devotee to what you have created! Sabbath has become in my religion!
    I receive a kind of strength and magic every time I use to turn on my pick up and listen to my beloved records.
    For a true Metal Warrior… The Eternal Idol…We all wish you well !!!
    A big hug from Raul Araujo Galoppo in Bolivia, SouthAmerica.

  22. Sab Fan Aaron says

    I would like to hear an update on Tony`s health,I thought maybe with the march update Joe you would give us an update?So do you got any news for us?Iommi you are the Iron Man,Keep on Rockin your music is an inspiration to many guitar players.

  23. Hey Joe,

    I’m sure the issue’s been done to death (and this is not the ‘Melby’ thing), but his birth name, is listed here as Anthony Frank Iommi. It’s also possible to see a scan of the record it’s taken from.

  24. Bill Wild says

    The best Black Sabbath Album of all time

  25. If tony iommi is really read this,I would like to say you inspire musically and hope one I’ll play hard rock…….YOU R O C K. ……..master of metal……ukku ningark thanks for the awesome musics and you ozzy fucking Osbourne

  26. anything planned for after 13

  27. Maxim Traykov says

    Thumbs up! Keep on rocking and thanks for the great music which created a whole new world and inspired so many people as me for example!
    P.S. Hope that the future will honour the deeds of Black Sabbath in any way.

  28. nathan long says

    thanks for the great music tony…ive been doing a researched project about you and ive learned so much and u basically inspired me to start my own band after i graduate…ur an insperation keep on rocking

  29. Tony, best of luck with your cancer as I have MS and I go day by day like yourself. I saw you play at the Black and Blue concert at the Boston Garden in the 80’s. I hope to hear from you…Boston, Mass.

  30. Is Tony doing anything right now,L sure hope so

  31. Patrick Monfort says

    I am a musician (guitarist) I have a phalanx on the ring of the left hand cut by a machine.
    I would like to know how Tony solved this problem?
    Thank you
    Je suis musicien (guitariste) j’ai un une phalange à l’annulaire de la main gauche coupée par une machine.
    J’aimerais s’avoir comment Tony à résolut ce problème?

  32. Sam I am says

    I never heard the guitar in music until I heard Iommi .

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