VH1’s website for the 2006 HOF Induction has some details up on the show. It will air on Tuesday Mar. 21 at 9PM Eastern Time. Here’s a blurb from their site about the show: Join Blondie, Black Sabbath, Miles Davis, Lynyrd Synyrd, Sex Pistols and celebrity presenters for the 2006 Rock And Roll Hall Of […]
Black Sabbath Greatest Hits to be released March 14th
Regular CD Regular CD On March 14th, there will be a new Black Sabbath release. The title of this one is “Greatest Hits (1970-1978)”. As far as I can tell, it appears to be a single disc version of the 2 CD Greatest Hits package from a few years back, “Symptom of the Universe”. If […]
War Pigs 1970
Not much going on with Black Sabbath as we start 2006. Band appears to be inactive again, so there’s little for me to report on now. In lieu of any actual real news, I found this video of Sabbath doing War Pigs in 1970 via Google Video. Check it out. Requires a flash player in […]
Brian May on Black Sabbath
Back when Black Sabbath was inducted into the UK Hallf of Fame, they were introduced by Brian May of Queen. Brian is a long time friend of Tony Iommi’s, and Brian is the only other guitarist to ever appear on a Black Sabbath record (Brian does the guitar solo on When Death Calls from 1989’s […]
Black Sabbath to be inducted into US Hall of Fame
See subject. I don’t have much else to say about that at this time, read my remarks on the UK Hall of Fame as to why. You all can stop emailing me about it, I am aware of it happening. :)
Black Sabbath Inducted into UK Hall of Fame
Black Sabbath (Ozzy, Tony, Geezer, Bill) was inducted into the UK Hall of Fame last night amongst other rock legends such as Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Bob Dylan, and more. A show about the ceremony will be broadcast in the UK on Channel 4 tonight, Thursday 17th November 2005, and in the USA […]
Bill Ward’s 2005 Drum Kit Information
A small piece of information that drummers might be interested in. Bill Ward has posted the layout of his Black Sabbath 2005 drum kit online at his website. There is a diagram there from his drum tech with details of all the gear in his kit. Check it out! http://www.billward.com/gallery/billsolo/wardkit2005
Ronnie Dio, Tony Iommi, & the Future of Black Sabbath
There’s been much speculation recently online about Ronnie James Dio “rejoining” Black Sabbath. I haven’t said much about it because I wanted to get official word before I did. A week ago or so, I saw some posts online (including one on my own forums) which included this text: Ronnie James Dio is working with […]
Black Sabbath News Tidbits
Here’s several Black Sabbath related news tidbits to pass along.. 1) The Download Festival on June 11th at Donington was filmed, and will be released on DVD at an as of yet unannounced date. This comes from a recent interview with Tony Iommi. 2) The Japanese version of Fused will be released on July 21st, […]
Tony & Geezer on Rockline
Tony Iommi and Geezer Butler will be appearing on the US syndicated radio show, “Rockline”. Their apperance will be on July 20th. The live show begins at 8:30 p.m. PT / 11:30 p.m. ET, and fans are encouraged to call in with questions during the program at 1-800-344-7625. Visit Rockline’s website to find a radio […]
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