A day or so ago, I was forwarded an email from a fan (thanks Stephan) which purported to be from Bill Ward talking about (or more to the point badmouthing) the Heaven & Hell reunion. Here is the text that appeared in said posting, which had appeared on the Dio Message Board, and the forum […]
Black Sabbath: The Dio Years in April?
Over the weekend, rumour started to spread that a release date has been chosen for the forthcoming Dio Years disc (now downgraded from a box set). That date is supposedly April 3, 2007 – roughly four months from now. I’ve tried to confirm that date with Iommi’s management, but cannot. I also cannot find solid […]
Alan “Fluff” Freeman Dies
In all my time running this site, I’ve gotten a lot of fan mail – some of it from Sab fans who have been around since the beginning. If you’re one of those fans, then you might find interest in this story. As you may have read, long time popular British Radio DJ Alan Freeman […]
Bill Ward is officially out of the Heaven & Hell project
I got an email from Bill Ward’s people to place on Bill’s site, and I wanted to alert people to it here as well. Bill Ward will not be on the new tracks for the Black Sabbath: The Dio years disc, nor will he participate in the “Heaven & Hell” tour next year. It looks […]
Roundup of Heaven & Hell stuff
In the last 24 hours, there was a major piece of “news” released by Eddie Trunk. Eddie is a pretty respected rock journalist. He’s seen on VH1 Classic, has his own radio show, website, etc, etc, etc. What’s cool is that he appears to have access to info that most of us do not, and […]
Heaven & Hell
Do we need to call the Heaven & Hell reunion the “Mob Rules” reunion now? Or Dehumanizer 2? Blabbermouth has posted a story saying that Bill Ward is out, and Vinny Appice is in – effectively replacing Bill on the tour and on the new tracks for the Dio years Sabbath box set. I have […]
Some potentially seriously cool news. Oh yeah, and another re-re-re-re-release?
This story has been floating around a bit, and I didn’t want to say anything until I checked into it myself. Here’s what’s been going around: According to BW&BK sources, Sanctuary UK are putting together a full reissue program on BLACK SABBATH next year starting in March. The first three albums (1970’s Black Sabbath, 1970’s […]
Vinny Appice Interview
Here’s a link you might want to check out. It’s a 20 minute video interview (done on Sep 22nd) with Vinny Appice where he talks about a ton of musicians he’s worked with, and tells several stories. Some of the names he hits on are John Lennon, Elton John, Ronnie Dio, Black Sabbath, Rick Derringer, […]
Black Sabbath Resurrection
What the heck is this? Does anyone know? I’ve been getting emails off and on for awhile now asking me what this is, and to be honest, I have no idea. I even went so far as to email Tony Iommi’s people and ask them. Here’s what I said: http://www.blacksabbathresurrection.com/ I have to admit, I […]
Heaven & Hell in 2007 is “official” – UPDATED 10/26
[ Discuss this story on our forums here ] A story going around today on Blabbermouth about the Iommi/Ward/Butler/Dio reunion as “Heaven & Hell” is claiming that a representative with Tony Iommi’s camp has said that the reunion is “officially happening”. As you probably know, I work for both Bill Ward & Geezer Butler, as […]
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