Heaven & Hell now on Twitter

I just got word from Rhino records that Heaven & Hell is now on Twitter! I’ve been told that this really is the band, and that the first updates are from Ronnie. I was also told Tony & Geezer are going to get into it too. Knowing Geezer’s penchant for goofiness, it wouldn’t surprise me […]

Bible Black Single Released

We still have about a month to go until the full new album, but the first single is released today. This is “Bible Black”, Track 3 from the album. To your right here is the official artwork sent to me from Rhino for the album. You can buy the song via DRM free downloads from […]

Digital Distribution Update

Since I posted the story last week about the entire old Black Sabbath back catalogue from 1970 through 1987 being available on places like iTunes and whatnot, I’ve decided to look into it a bit deeper. As most of you know (or should, anyway) back in the day there were two primary distribution deals. In […]

Black Sabbath Back Catalog to be available digitally

Thanks to Tim over at bravewords for pointing this out to me… I am currently trying to find out whether this means it will be available in the US versions of iTunes and Amazon’s MP3 store, or just their UK counterparts. Given the albums cover from 1970-1987, this is the old European distribution stuff, the […]

The Devil You Know on Roadrunner in Europe

I’ve gotten a lot of emails (nee complaints) from fans in Europe wanting to know what’s going on with distribution of “The Devil You Know”. Amazon UK’s site has had it for sale, but only as an import. I just got word less than 10 minutes before posting this that the deal for Europe has […]

Full Stream of “Bible Black”

Short and sweet. Heaven & Hell has a full version stream of the first single from the new album up on their official Myspace page. Go check it out here: http://www.myspace.com/heavenandhellmusic

The Devil You Know Cover Art [ UPDATE ]

Last night the cover art for the new Heaven & Hell studio album, “The Devil You Know” was released. After looking at it for awhile, I found a major typo. I mean a really REALLY huge one. I don’t know how they missed it. I’ve corrected the artwork, and have posted it below. Check it […]

The Devil You Know Cover Art Officially Released

Well, the official cover art for the new studio album has been released. Turns out it’s mostly the same as the leaked one from a week ago. At that time, I was told it was not exactly the same, and that appears to be the case here. It pretty much mostly looks the same as […]

Devil You Know Cover Art?

I’ve avoided this story for two days now due to my inability to verify the information in it, but now that it is starting to make it’s way around music news sites, I thought I should say something. A couple of days ago, the image below first appeared on my site’s forums, posted there by […]

Distribution News

There’s a couple of releases coming out in the next month (The 3 Disc Paranoid, and the new studio album). That part is not news. What is news was something I found out yesterday, part of which is probably going to irritate some fans. The 3 Disc Paranoid Release: This has been talked about for […]