Rehearsals are underway [ UPDATED ]

UPDATE: I have a review of the “rehearsal” that was sent in by Kyle Mann, a Sabbath fan who was lucky enough to attend this event, plus an additional picture that wasn’t here in my initial posting (the picture of Tony Iommi was mistakenly left off)…. Well, the tour machine starts up again shortly. The […]

Winners of the Devil You Know Giveaway

While I have notified all the winners directly via email, I wanted to let everyone else know the winners of the giveaway for the Devil You Know contest have been picked. The winners are: Alexandre Matte (Gatineau, Quebec Canada) Brad Mozley (Yorba Linda, CA) Doug Southgate (Stratford, Ontario Canada) Simon Elliott (Riverside, CA) Daniel Holloway […]

Vote on the Cover Art

As you should know by now, an alternate version of the cover art was released. This will be sold in Wal-mart. My initial feedback from fans on my forums and through email is a lot of people seem to like the alternate over the “official” cover art. To that, I’ve decided to throw it up […]

Listen to the Entire “Devil You Know” Album RIGHT NOW

Legally, too! VH1’s “The Leak” site is streaming the entire album right now. Stop reading this. Go listen. [ UPDATE ] I just found out this morning that this only works if you are inside the US.

Win a Free Copy of “The Devil You Know”

It’s giveaway time again! A week from this coming Tuesday is the US release date for the Black Sabbath… uh, “Heaven & Hell” new studio album, “The Devil You Know”. If you’ve been living under a rock, then you don’t know this is the first full studio album by the Dio incarnation of Black Sabbath […]

Devil You Know “Exclusive” Stuff

It has been known for a bit that Best Buy is having an exclusive version of the new album with a DVD containing about 25 minutes of video footage of the band in the studio. The same version is being sold outside of the US/North America in the same format. That’s not new. However, today […]

Heaven & Hell now on Youtube

I noticed today that the Heaven & Hell incarnation of Black Sabbath has it’s own Youtube page now. They have six videos up there. One is the commercial promo for the new album that’s been floating around for a few days now. However, they have five other videos talking about the making of the album. […]

The Devil You Know Cover Art Winners

A month ago or so, I ran a contest asking you, the Black Sabbath fan to come up with your own rendition of the cover art for the new disc, “The Devil You Know”. I ran it before the official cover art was released, as I didn’t want the real art to influence what people […]

Devil You Know Video & 2 Disc Stuff

Well, there’s been a lot of talk about it, and finally there’s something that can be told. There will be a version of The Devil You Know with a second disc. A poorly kept secret, mind you, but one that hasn’t been formally announced in the US yet. Rhino doesn’t have a press release on […]

Bill Ward Talks about Sabbath Re-Issues