Some HUGE Heaven & Hell Advertising

I was poking around Google Street View this afternoon, and looking at places I do business with, and/or buildings where some of my friends work. I hit the building in Burbank, CA where the Warner Bros / Rhino offices are. When I saw the building, I saw they had this massive side wall advertising area. […]

The Devil You Know Second Single [UPDATE]

The first single from the new 2009 album was “Bible Black”. The song was pretty darned good, and now word comes out that the second single has been chosen. That track is “Follow the Tears”. After I read that news, I hit up my contacts at Rhino records and asked them a few questions about […]

Black Sabbath 2 CD Deluxe Edition Video Review

It’s been pointed out to me several times in email that I have never said anything about the new “Deluxe Edition” versions of the first three albums. That’s right, but if you’ve been following my site, I’ve had some heavy “real life” situations get in the way. Today I’m changing that. I’ve posted not just […]

Tony Iommi Needs Hand Surgery

A few years back, Tony Iommi had to have surgery for carpel tunnel syndrome. When I talked with him backstage after a 2007 concert, I asked him how he was doing with that, and said it was fine, didn’t seem to be an issue. A little while ago, I had heard on the grapevine that […]

Bible Black Fan Made Music Video

OK, when the new album came out earlier this month, I think a lot of us were excited to learn that there was going to be a new music video. The first “single” was going to be Bible Black, and we were getting a video for that. Then we found out it was going to […]

Heaven & Hell on German TV

I got an email from Sabbath fan Andreas telling me that the Jun 16th concert in Bonn Germany will be on German television on July 13th. Check out his email here: Hello Joe, I would like to inform you, that the concert of Heaven & Hell (live in Bonn, Germany, June 16th) will be on […]

Sabbath Fan Freakout Followup

Remember this guy? Well, if that’s you, Heaven & Hell wants to hear from you. The site also calls him a “Superfan”. I can’t say I agree with that terminology. I’d agree with “overly loud, borderline annoying fan that makes it uncomfortable to be a respectable metal fan” for sure. But not “superfan”. :)

About Ozzy & Black Sabbath

For those of you still hoping for a new album with Ozzy and Black Sabbath, I think this story pretty much totally kills that idea forever. Go read this. Ozzy is suing Tony Iommi over ownership of the name Black Sabbath. Much eyerolling coming from here. I was following the band back in 1985 when […]

Heaven & Hell on Rockline

Wednesday night, the boys were in Los Angeles for an appearance on the nationally syndicated radio show with Bob Coburn, Rockline. I was busy doing some family stuff, and was unable to listen, but due to the magic of the Internet in 2009, you can hear the show via replay on the Rockline website. If […]

Bible Black Music Video

It’s been released online. Check out this streaming version. Once you get by the ads you have to watch from Yahoo Music. :( Edit: This appears to only work inside the US. Blame Yahoo. :)