Eternal Idol 2025 Re-Release

This morning, it was announced on Tony Iommi’s social media that The Eternal Idol will get a Record Store Day 2025 re-release.  It was a short announcement that had a clip from the Shining music video, so there’s no formal press release on the thing.  I did however look into a few things, and came up with somethings about the release.   Here’s what I know about it.

  1. It will be released on Record Store Day (12 April). It will get a wider distribution later in the summer (date TBA).
  2. The RSD release will be the limited edition vinyl (translucent red, that they’re calling “ruby”). Rhino is distributing in US/North America, BMG elsewhere. Each of them has a limited qty available, it’s not an ongoing product.
  3. RSD will be ONLY vinyl. CD / digital / black vinyl will come in the summer – undetermined date, maybe July.
  4. The RSD is just the base album. No extras or bonuses at all.
  5. It has been remastered – a new version.

Check in on the RSD website for what stores near you will have the thing:

Here’s a few items that are speculation on my part, but probably will come to pass.

  1. The wide release may have the B sides (Black Moon & Some Kind of Woman), but I’m not aware of any plans to use the Ray Gillen version that was in the 2010 DE CD).
  2. If I had to guess, the wide release vinyl will just be the base album, and the CD / digital will have bonus tracks. While there’s no press release or info about the wide release, I’m going on the behavior of the Anno Domini box. Hopefully they include then, but my GUESS is no (on vinyl).

Once there is solid info on the wider release, I’ll have more info on how to order it and all that .  In the meantime, check out this cool picture of the “ruby” limited edition RSD version of “The Eternal Idol”.


  1. I’ll have to think about this one. Think I’ll wait for the CD release that has the bonus tracks. Already have the original black vinyl, the original CD release in 1987 & the deluxe edition issued in 2010. The question I have is why was the Sabbath Bloody Sabbath album skipped over in the deluxe editions?? And any news on the Born Again remix? Thanks.

    • I don’t know why SBS wasn’t given a (Super) Deluxe Edition release along with the other Sabbath albums that were; my best guess is that there wasn’t any/enough suitable material available to make a SDE issue worthwhile.

      Regarding Born Again, Joe S. posted a very detailed comment in facebook not too long ago explaining all of the myriad of reasons why a remix of that album won’t be appearing for quite some time. It would be great if Joe could provide the same explanation in this website.


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