Photos from 1992

I got an email the other day from Sab fan Daniel Renna sending me some photos from Sabbath’s tour in 1992.   Here’s what he had to say about the photos he sent in:

Attached please find pictures of Black Sabbath touring the Dehumanizer album in 1992.  Many are lost (forever), but you’ll find band arrival to the hotel, doing some TV shows, and some live shots.  It’s July 1992. I’ve sent you the concert ticket years ago.  Not the greatest quality, but decent as documents.  Photographer is Luis D’Angelo.

I particularly like the one of Tony Iommi looking cramped in the car transporting him to wherever he was going.  I know there were some TV appearances on South American television in 1992, this looks to be connected with that (but I admit I’m not 100% sure of that).    Anyway, check out the pics:


  1. Saw the Dehumanizer tour in July 1992 at the Nautica in Cleveland. One of the best concerts I have ever been at!!! Tony’s guitar was punching holes in buildings in downtown Cleveland.

  2. augusto says

    i saw this tour in Porto Alegre ,Brazil,same month.Amazing show…ah my nineteen years :)

  3. Stuart, one of the Ancient Warriors says

    I believe that this tour had to be “Their Finest Hour”. I saw them at Kaiser/Oakland in November of that year, and they played upwards of THREE HOURS, just like The Zepps, and Tony did a free-form solo, up to a FULL HALF-HOUR, just him only, on stage. He got sounds out of his instrument that transcended the normal range of the Electric Guitar Sound–not always necessarily his usual loud/distorted/fuzz/towering feedback stuff, either. Some very, very pretty sounds/passages, actually. He looked like he was deep in meditation at times. I was right up front, wearing vampire fangs; he pointed me out to his bandmates; and, they all smiled at that!! An extremely intimate, personal affair. Thanks again, Tone!!

    I do earnestly hope that your medical treatments are showing a more positive responce of your body; there’s just no keeping a grand old rocker like you down!!

    • I was also at that Oakland show! I started out at the front of the stage and then drifted to the second deck off to the side. I remember looking forward to that show for months. Couldn’t believe that my fave version of Sabbath had reunited. I also remember the opening band Skew Siskin from Germany had a female lead singer. She came down to the barricade in the middle of their set and I gave her a hug. Hard to believe that was 22 years ago now..

      • Stuart, one of the Ancient Warriors says

        Hi, Greg; a fellow Sabbster, such as yourself is “No Stranger [to Love]”–to me. We are ALL “Children of The Grave”, “Children of The Sea”, together–The Sabbath Nation!! There’s the Raider Nation; there’s the Savage Nation; and, then . . . there’s THE SABBATH NATION!!!!

        Skew Siskin was just about as SMOKIN’ as was Sabbath; that gal was the Cat’s Meow! Jet Black hair; Olive Complexion; large dreamy Grey Eyes; a bod that just wouldn’t quit; and, a very clear and powerful voice, that rivaled an opera singer!! She dug my fangs, too; she told me so, too!! I hadn’t heard hide nor hair of this band, since. It’s too bad that they’d suffered, what seems to me, such a shitty Promotion Strategy; I would have then been able to support them, as I have supported Tony and his Sabbs, oh, well. They had so far to go, and they deserved it.

        Nowadays, I have to wear earplugs, then take ’em out, when The Sabbs take to the stage; kinda sucks, that does, but there you have it. My ears simply have to be in “Virgin” condition, when Tony plays his first-to-last notes.

        Greg, I was wondering if you caught their August ’95 show at the Warfield Theatre/Nightclub? I enjoyed Tiamat, there, too. They weren’t exactly heavy, but they were dreamy and exotic. Tony “The Cat” Martin sure played a mean harp, for “The Wizard”!!

        My all-time favourite concert was Led Zeppelin, at Frisco’s Kezar Stadium, WAY BACK in 1973; my very close second was The Sabbs at Kaiser; third fave was them again at The Warfield; fourth was Robin Trower at Fresno’s Selland in 1976–he did a 14 Minute(!!) “Long Misty Days”; and, my fifth fave was Santana on New Year’s Eve, 1973-74, at Frisco’s Winterland. Yet–much sorrowfully to my regret–if I had ever seen Hendrix, THAT would have been my all-time fave.

        I’d like to hear Tony do an homage to Hank Marvin and The Shadows, again–“Apache” and “Telstar”. I’ve loved his Trad-Jazz and Flamenco Improvs!!

        I have enjoyed the late Link Wray, the late Roy Buchanan, The Ventures, Jeff Beck, and Yes, as well.

  4. Great photos! My first Sabbath concert was the ‘Dehumanizer’ tour on 11-10-92, and remains the BEST Black Sabbath show I’ve EVER seen out of ten total. Great album too! CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED! Good times!

  5. Daniel Renna from Uruguay, shows at Dehumanizer Tour, Argentina, 1992

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