“13” Details Released [UPDATED x5]

This post was originally made in mid March, 2013.  It’s been updated a few times since then, and is intended to be details on what all the different version of “13” are.   If you have concrete proof of something I do not, please email me about it, and include a link whenever possible. Also, if you happen to have decent artwork of the “exclusive” versions (like Best Buy, European retailers), let me know that, too.  Tkx.

[ UPDATE Mar 16 ] The album can now be pre-ordered through Amazon.com.  Check the ordering links below.

[ UPDATE Mar 23 ] Found out officially that the “Super Deluxe” box is only orderable through the band directly at blacksabbath.com.

[ UPDATE Apr 30 ] Found out there’s a Best Buy Exclusive with a track available nowhere else.  Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

[ UPDATE May 23 ] Updated various bits of text to be more in line with current info as I understand it.

[ UPDATE Jun 3 ] Amazon’s MP3 store finally has the thing listed!

[ UPDATE Jun 12 ] Spotify.

Release Date

  • The release date for “13” will be Friday June 7, 2013 in Australia/New Zealand.
  • The release date for “13” will be Tuesday, June 11, 2013 in the US & Canada.
  • The release date for “13” everywhere else will be Monday, June 10, 2013.

I do not have info on whether or not orders from specific retailers (Best Buy, Amazon, the band’s website) will arrive at your door on release date, or whether it will SHIP that date.   You need to check with the people you are ordering from regarding that issue.

Physical Media Formats

13 is going to be released on various physical media packages.    They are:

  • Standard CD – Your traditional single CD release.  Whether this will be a jewel case, a paper sleeve, or what is unknown, but this will be your regular CD release.  Contains 8 studio tracks – the same 8 that were played at the listening party.
  • Deluxe 2CD Set – Contains the Standard CD, plus a second CD with “exclusive bonus audio content”.  What exactly that content comprises is as of yet unknown – at least fully.  It is known that there will be three additional studio tracks on the disc.  If there’s anything else besides that – I have no idea.  It is supposed to come in a “deluxe soft pack”.  So no hard jewel case there.
  • Vinyl – That seems pretty straightforward.  In heavyweight (180g) vinyl.  The content is the same as the basic CD version, the eight track edition.
  • Super Deluxe Box Set – Well, I’ll just copy the text from the official site on this one..  “A Limited edition 12” clamshell box set which contains: Deluxe double CD album, 12” heavyweight (180g) vinyl album in a gatefold sleeve, Exclusive DVD containing “Black Sabbath–The Re-union” documentary, plus 5 behind-the-scenes videos, Download card containing exclusive track by track interview with Black Sabbath, 13 exclusive photographic prints and hand written album lyrics.”   Band management tells me that this version will ONLY be available via direct sale through the band’s website.  If you go there, you’ll get forwarded through to the relevant regional label website who will actually take and place your order.  I hope the documentary on the DVD here is a full length one, and not some 15-20 minute quick thing.
  • Best Buy Exclusive – This is the same as the Deluxe 2CD set listed above, but has an “exclusive” track.  That track is listed as “Naïveté in Black”.   Stupid exclusives.  That version is here.   I’ve also been told that some European retailers are selling this version, too as their “Deluxe 2CD Set”.  We’ll find out for sure shortly.

Other Physical Media

The physical media options I list above are all confirmed and are happening.  These two however, I can’t confirm what’s going on with, so I’m including them as background info – for now.  I will try and find out what’s going on here.

  • THREE DISC CD – What the fuck?  As I was prepping the May 23rd update to this page, I discovered a 3 disc version being sold by HMV.  What’s on that third disc, I have no idea.  If I had to *GUESS*, it’s the deluxe edition above, and maybe a third DVD disc, but what’s on that – who knows?  The DVD from the Super Deluxe Box, maybe?  No idea at this point.
  • Japanese CD – Now I’ve suspected that the Japanese deluxe CD will have an exclusive track or two on it.  That kind of thing has been done for many years by many bands (Ozzy & Tony Iommi too).  Now there is a Japanese domestic release of the CD, 2CD Deluxe, & Vinyl editions.  However, as of the last update of this page (May 23rd), I can’t get confirmation that this a version with extra tracks exclusive to the Japanese market is happening.  If anyone has concrete proof one way or the other.

Digital Purchases


The album is available for pre-order on iTunes.  If you do that, you can order both the standard (why would you do that) and the Deluxe version.   Pre-ordering either will get you an immediate download of “God is Dead?” from iTunes.  Both versions will come with a digital booklet, basically a pdf version of the physical CD insert, more or less.  Obviously we won’t know until release EXACTLY what’s in there, but every other CD I’ve bought from iTunes has that.

Amazon.com & Amazon.co.uk

Amazon (I’m just going to refer to both sites as Amazon) is oddly enough not making the album available for pre-order through their MP3 store.   This matches the “God is Dead?” single, which was available for pre-order through iTunes a few days ahead of time, but on Amazon’s store, you couldn’t buy it until day of.    They are however, selling the standard CD, the 2CD Deluxe, the vinyl – those are available for pre-order, and those links are below.  My guess is they won’t have it until the day of release.  But I have no facts on that.

A word about Amazon ordering.  When you pre-order with them, the price can fluctuate wildly before it ships.  This is based on their systems guessing what other stores are selling items for.  They do have what’s called a “pre-order price guarantee”.  If you pre-order now, when the price drops between now and when it ships (which it always does), you get charged the lower price.   So what price you see there now, will not be the price it is when ships.   I have personally been ordering from Amazon since the Spring of 1997, and am well versed in their pricing games like that.  The “sweet spot” for prices with Amazon doesn’t usually come until the last 5 days before release or so.

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

blacksabbath.com Website Pricing

The official website has prices available for what “13” will cost if you pre-order it with them.   Other outlets tend to have slightly lesser prices once they become available, but for now, here is what the official site is selling the various packages for (and for what location).

NOTE: The Super Deluxe Box set will ONLY be available here.  You won’t get it anywhere else I’m told.


  • CD: $12.98
  • Deluxe 2CD: $14.98
  • Vinyl: $19.98
  • Box Set: $74.98


  • CD: $12.99
  • Deluxe 2CD: $17.99
  • Vinyl: $20.99
  • Box Set: $99.99

Everywhere Else:

  • CD: £9.99
  • Deluxe 2CD: £13.99
  • Vinyl: £15.99
  • Box Set: £49.99

Track Listings

Here’s a breakdown of what track names are on what versions..

Basic Version

First off, the base eight tracks that are out there have been known for a little bit.   Those tracks are:

  1. End of The Beginning (8:07)
  2. God is Dead? (8:54)
  3. Loner (5:06)
  4. Zeitgeist (4:28)
  5. Age of Reason (7:02)
  6. Live Forever (4:49)
  7. Damaged Soul (7:43)
  8. Dear Father (7:06)

That is what is on the basic (meaning single disc) CD version.   It is also the track listing for the vinyl edition, too.  Those two versions will have just eight tracks.   Now here’s where the fun begins..

Additional Tracks

The two CD “Deluxe” version will have three additional studio tracks on it.  They are:

  1. Methademic
  2. Peace of Mind
  3. Pariah

That two disc version of the CD will also be included in the larger “Super Deluxe” Box set.   So both of those will have the “11 track” version of the album.  If there’s anything else on the second disc of the Deluxe package, I’m not sure at this time.  I just know for sure the second disc will have three additional studio tracks not on the “basic/standard” CD.    So what was heard at the listening party the other night in Los Angeles was the standard CD version.

Best Buy

There will be a BEST BUY EXCLUSIVE 2CD version, which will match the 2CD, 11 track version.  However, there’s an “exclusive track” to the Best Buy version.  That track is:

  1. Naïveté in Black


The music streaming service Spotify also has the album available to listen to for free.  Their version has a live exclusive track that I believe is not on any other physical media format.  They have the first 11 listed above, and then have…

  1. Dirty Women (Live).

The live track was taken from one of the Australian gigs earlier in 2013.

Beyond Track 12

Now it gets even more interesting.  In various interviews, I’ve seen a couple of other track names mentioned, but they’re not any of the 12 listed above.  They are “Epic” & “Cry All Night”.  Now, in the same interviews, I’ve seen it referenced that the band has recorded 16 songs in total for this project.   11 of them are accounted for above.  Assuming Epic & Cry All Night aren’t just songs that were retitled into one of the 12 above, that makes for 13 known track names.  What about the other two?  Who knows.   As it was once told to me by someone on the inside, “that is all up to the record label, anyway”.

So that’s Epic, Cry all Night, and two under untitled songs that are unaccounted for.

So, which version are you getting?  :)


  1. Mike Who says

    OK… So now I’m on the hook for the Super Deluxe box AND the Best Buy version.
    I miss the days when I could buy a COMPLETE new release by one of my favorite bands for under $100.

  2. I would go for an Amazon mp3 were the bitrates decent. I’ll pick up a disc at some point when I am in America this summer; probably cheaper than in the UK.

  3. in the german “media markt” a version of “13” seems to be available that includes the 11 tracks of the deluxe edition AND an additional track called “Naivete in Black”.


    • Here in Germany the stores “Media Markt” and “Saturn” (which belong to one company) have sold the Deluxe Edition with 12 songs (Disc 1 = Album / Disc 2 = Bonus Tracks incl. Naïveté in Black).
      As far as I know the mentioned edition was only available for pre order. Now they sell the DLX Edit. with only the 3 Bonus songs without Naïveté in Black. But there is a single Disc version with Naïveté in Black as song 9.

  4. Metalrockx says

    When you change in your itunesplayer the country to Japan, you will notice that the Japan Deluxe version has the same tracklist as the Bestbuy edition, this is 12 songs, Naivete in black included.

    In Japan They are aparently selling selling also a standard version of 9 songs, that is the standard version + Naivete in Black.


    In Germany, Saturn is offering a special edition with the same 9 songs.

  5. Philippe Warda says

    I’ve got the deluxe version pre-ordered from Amazon.
    However, I’m going to go get the BEST BUY version on release day.

    I can’t justify the Super Deluxe Groovy Sharon Overload version.

  6. Thanks for the info.
    So now I’m totally baffled.
    Hmv.ca don’t seem to export (I’m UK based).
    Best buy are American.
    So I think I’ll go give my business to my local independent record store.
    They might be a touch more expensive, but they’re honest.
    Why do record companies bombard us with so many options?
    (Isn’t there a rule of acquisition for this? :-). )

  7. i preordered the LP only with the hopes that someday the rest of the freaking album will be pressed on vinyl as well. i hate CDs and mp3s and exclusive this and super deluxe that. i just want to be able to buy the complete album on LP like the old days when this was seemingly just about rock and roll and having a good time.

  8. Christ, it’s one freaking album and it takes 5 pages to explain the options… there’s a point when people are gonna say fuck it. My ADD won’t allow me to read past the first sentence (like to see Ozzy figure out what option there are, bet he’d be on my side in a minute). I’ll buy the album when it comes out, that’s it… I’m not screwing around trying to figure out what I have to do to get every song. Maybe this sales model ends up making more money for everyone but it sure as fuck is annoying for fans. I’m sure that any song that I end up w/o is going to be found on the internet, so I can hear it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting stealing it only that I have a computer with a great digital sound card connected to a really nice stereo and when playing audio from the internet, as long as it’s not MP3 crap, the sound is just as good as a CD…

  9. I’ll be picking up the Best Buy version unless the overseas markets get special tracks. If the overseas markets get special tracks I’ll buy those. All these different versions of albums is insane and then the record companies wonder why people download music illegally.

  10. There also exists Japan’s SHM cd for “13” as well. Not only do we have to decide which package we want but now we have to decide on quality of sound. Sort of like trying to decide when buying a DVD whether to get it standard or blue ray. Makes my head spin.

  11. Hey Joe, it was mentioned on one of the threads in the Ozzy forum that ‘Epic’ was a working title for ‘Age of Reason’.

  12. So it looks like Australia is getting the album on the 7th of June, 3 days before the intended June 10th release. This is according to the JBHifi listing, which is never wrong from experience.

  13. Jeff Downing says

    Exclusively at Best Buy locations in Manitoba, Canada only 13 will be available ON 8-TRACK!!

    *No, this is not real.

  14. I ordered Super Deluxe Box Set, and wonder when it will come. In a future, I also would like to buy Japanese SHM double album of ,,13″.

  15. Metalrockx says

    Finally, we have the tracklist of the Japanese Deluxe edition from CDjapan.co
    Release Date: 2013/06/19

    It has Naivete in Black as track 9 on the first disc.

    1. [Disc 1] エンド・オブ・ザ・ビギニング [Disc 1] END OF THE BEGINNING
    2. [Disc 1] ゴッド・イズ・デッド? [Disc 1] GOD IS DEAD?
    3. [Disc 1] ローナー [Disc 1] LONER
    4. [Disc 1] ツァイトガイスト [Disc 1] ZEITGEIST
    5. [Disc 1] エイジ・オブ・リーズン [Disc 1] AGE OF REASON
    6. [Disc 1] リヴ・フォーエヴァー [Disc 1] LIVE FOREVER
    7. [Disc 1] ダメージド・ソウル [Disc 1] DAMAGED SOUL
    8. [Disc 1] ディア・ファーザー [Disc 1] DEAR FATHER
    9. [Disc 1] ナイーヴテイ・イン・ブラック [Disc 1] NAIVETE IN BLACK
    10. [Disc 2] メサデミック [Disc 2] METHADEMIC
    11. [Disc 2] ピース・オブ・マインド [Disc 2] PEACE OF MIND
    12. [Disc 2] パライア [Disc 2] PARIAH

  16. southernlord says

    As I mentioned in the forum, saturn.de in Germany also has “NAIVETE IN BLACK” as bonus track.

  17. fishtowner says

    Just got confirmation that my pre orders were shipped yesterday. Can’t wait!

  18. I’ve got it today !!! It is absolutely great stuff. It is exactly what most of us were probably waiting for.

    I’ve bought it on iTunes Germany. They offer an 8 as well as an 11 – track version plus a digital bootleg which is not what you excpect: Believe it or not, they added the bootleg of another band.

    The tracks on my version:

    01 End Of The Beginning
    02 God Is Dead?
    03 Loner
    04 Zeitgeist
    05 Age Of Reason
    06 Live Forever
    07 Damaged Soul
    08 Dear Father
    09 Methademic
    10 Peace Of Mind
    11 Pariah

    Loner has adopted some parts of the vocalline from Johnny Blade, but who cares,…

    • I thought German market deluxe editions have the Best Buy extra track on them?

      • southernlord says

        German stores Saturn and Media Markt both have the Exclusive bonus track editions (both regular 8+1 tracks and deluxe 11+1 tracks). Apart from that, the regular German release does not have the bonus track (both physical and digital release).

        Another thing: I have seen photos of the US deluxe ed. that seems to have a different packaging than the German deluxe ed. wich is a double digipak with two clear trays and the booklet in the middle frame. There are lyrics for the 3 bonus tracks in the booklet but not for N.I.B.

  19. Anybody else that did not find the download coupon in their box set?

    • Couldn’t find mine too. I’m in Germany and I’ve got the super deluxe box.
      No download-coupon and I’m pissed about the lacking Naivity in Black song too.
      I paid 70 Euros and there’s still one song missing!

  20. the japanese Version is offered as 9 + 3 Deluxe CD

    Naïveté in Black [NOW NO LONGER A “Best Buy Exclusive Track”]

    i.e. the fourth bonus track from “BestBuy” is in japan the 9th track on Disc 1.

    German giant retailer MediaMarkt has also a Version of 8 + 4 Bonus. If anyone wants it get in touch – i’ll try my very best.


  21. Metalrockx says

    Naiveté in Black is not NIB!

    It’s a great uptempo song, you can hear a sample of 1,5 minute in Itunes.

    Start your itunesplayer, search in webshop for Black Sabbath 13 Deluxe edition, go down where you see the flag of your country and change it in Japan.
    Now you can hear samples of all 12 tracks!

    I’m glad I ordered the Best Buy edition at Ebay, because the exclusive track is worth it.

  22. Just got my Deluxe version (in Canada) – pre-ordered from the band’s site. What a solid album! lots of musical references to their earlier stuff.

    Of some interest is that in the album credits, Tony & Geezer both than Sharon. Ozzy dedicates the album to Jack, gives thanks to his family (minus Sharon), and only mentions Sharon along with Rick Rubin whose perseverance “made it happen”.

    I’ll join the rest of you in cursing the “exclusive” release of Naivete in Black. And they wonder why some people download their music for free…

    • Tony and Geezer both “thank” Sharon.

    • Thought I would straighten this out, because it is anything but true; Ozzy thanks Sharon at length by writing:

      ‘Over the last 13 years this project has been spoken about constantly, but ith lawsuits, egos and disagreements with the band it was never really a reality to me. But Sharon Osbourne and Rick Rubin never gave up. Their preserverance and belief made it happen. I THANK YOU BOTH for never giving up and for your constant support and encouragement.’

      Thank yous do not come much stronger than this. Furthermore there is a small red heart concluding his credits … and I read it as it has Sharon written in it.

      Just curious: What more do you want him to do?

  23. Steve Rist (mydarkside) says

    Excellent album. Upon 2 listens, the 8 track album reminds me of Sabbath, naturally, and the 4 track Best Buy bonus disc makes me think of a nod to solo Ozzy material as I really dig the ‘speediness’ on the bonus disc. Great stuff and much better than I could ever expect in 2013. This release pairs excellently with Deep Purples new one, Who’s Next?!, by the way…..

  24. I’ll be getting the vinyl. My favourite record store is giving me a call, as soon as the shippment arrives. I’ll probably dowlnoad the bonus tracks (shame on me). But having seen them live once and seeing them again in Amsterdam in November and owning every CD (Hammersmith with Dio too) and half a dozen vinyls my conscience will survive downloading a few Bonus tracks.

  25. Duane Linn says

    Preordered the best-buy version but won’t get it till i get home.

  26. The vinyl version is apparently a double Lp, with 2 track per each side. For the sake of details, I thought it might be useful information.

  27. Maybe the called it “13” because they eventually plan to release 13 different versions of the album.

  28. By listening to all bootlegs from
    Australian 2013 shows I can surely say, that the Dirty Women was recorded in Melbourne on 29th April.

  29. Phil Warda says

    So, any final word on what the HMV exclusive 3 disk includes?

  30. Shane Verna says

    wish I read this earlier . just bought the vinyl and found out its miss songs . total bullshit . great album but i think its wrong to have 20 different releases

  31. Geoff Thompson says

    Anyone in Canada can get the Super Deluxe Box Set edition from any store that decides to stock it.
    So the “Websoite only” exclusiveness doesn’t mean anything (well at least in Canada it doesn’t). I have seen it at a number of HMV or Sunrise stores along with Amazon.ca.

    Whats it like in the states? Only from the webpage still?

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