Geezer Butler’s “Heavy Heart”

This morning, a mere hours before the O2 gig, Geezer Butler posted something on his own site entitled “Heavy Heart“.  It’s his thoughts on Black Sabbath, the O2 gig, Bill Ward, Tommy Clufetos, & charity concerts.   You don’t want to read me talking about it, I’ll get straight to the statement:

I feel sad to see the Sabbath reunion becoming a bit of a soap opera on the internet. It has been a very tough year for us as a band, having announced our reunion plans, only for Tony to be diagnosed with lymphoma, leaving us no choice but to postpone the proposed Sabbath tour, and then for Bill to go public on his site about an un-signable contract. None of us knew how Tony was going to respond to his intensive chemo therapy, and radiotherapy. Ozzy and myself flew to England to be with Tony, and on his “good” days, we’d meet at his home studio and put ideas together for the upcoming album, all sitting down together, no drummer involved, just 3 of us quietly putting together ideas. We thought that when we had enough songs together for a full band rehearsal, we’d move back to L.A and put the whole thing together with Bill. Unfortunately, to our surprise, Bill issued a statement on his site saying he’d been offered an un-signable contract. He hadn’t told any one of us he was having contractual problems, and frankly those things are worked out between our representatives, and never between the four of us let alone in public. We had the idea of keeping just one show in this year, hoping that Tony would be well enough for that show, and that things with Bill would be sorted. As you may expect, a one off show at Donnington Festival (Download) costs an absolute fortune to stage, involving over 50 people, transport, air fares, hotels, meals, agents, promotors, accountants, lawyers etc, so none of us, expected to make much money from it- it was a one off Sabbath show for the fans, before we go into recording the new album. Apparently, this wasn’t acceptable to Bill’s representatives, they wanted an amount that was so unrealistic that it seemed to have been a joke. So we resigned ourselves to doing Download without Bill, hoping he’d change his mind and at least make a guest appearance. We started rehearsals a few weeks ago with Tommy Cluefetos, the drummer who will be on the Ozzy and Friends Tour. Brilliant drummer and good bloke. It was decided we’d better do a warm up show, to break the ice since we haven’t played together live. The O2 Academy was available in Birmingham, where we were rehearsing, so we decided on that, and to make a donation to Help For Heroes Charity, since we’d be ironing out any glitches we may have. Then Bill put out a further statement saying he’d been ready to play the Birmingham show , but he was expected to have to do it “for free”- well, I think that’s basically how you raise money from gigs for charity – you play them “for free”.

All I am saying is that there are two sides to everything. I do hope to play with Bill again some day. For whatever reason; it wasn’t meant to be this time. Bill’s made his decision, and I have to respect that. Hopefully this painful year will be worth the wait for the new Sabbath album and end in joy and happiness for all.

Stay frosty,


  1. While I stand by my words I typed yesterday, I will say “Thank You” to Geezer for this post… while maybe all details of what is going on are not included, he has made an attempt to both update fans as well as not throw fuel on the fire, again… Thanks Geezer.

    However, it’s still a disappointing situation… I won’t pretend to know what goes on with negotiations at this level, but I can’t help think that one of the 4 could pick up a phone and say “let’s all sit down and talk”… or similar.

    Please, guys… if Black Sabbath is worth it to you, then work hard at getting things back on track… there are many fans anxiously hoping/waiting for you to do so… WE LOVE BLACK SABBATH!

  2. D.Cheema says

    Sounds reasonable. Fair enough. No point really speculating what with the power of the internet to blow things out of all proportion. How did we cope before…

  3. Jahanzeb says


    Everything makes sense now

  4. Frank DeHaven says

    So, it’s been Cluefetos all along. Sad. Straight beats and lame fills thru every song instead of Ward’s unique wonderful drumming.
    This is a real shame. Sabbath’s music has meant everything to me since I was 12, to see things end like this is just very very sad.
    If they haven’t recorded the record yet I hope they mend things with Ward. The final Black Sabbath album needs to have all 4 original members.

  5. Thank you, thank you,thank you Geezer for finally giving us a view from the “other side”. All we,the fans,ask is that you 4 sit down and work it out,without the fucking various leeches,lawyers and “representatives”.You guys,not they,are Black Sabbath. And PLEASE Geezer,do NOT make a record without Bill and call it a Sabbath record-we,and you,know this will not be true.And I still think Sharon is a c**t.Back to you,Bill.

    • P.S.
      And could you do something about the “band” photos on the official website? Whoever is responsible for THAT should be fired immediately(*cough*Sharon*cough*).It makes YOU guys look like 5 year olds.That’s YOUR name on there,not hers.God,I hate her more now than ever-and that’s saying a lot.

      • Hi Tim, regarding the photo on the Band website, had this to say:

        “At the request of Bill Ward, through his attorney, so as to not give the public the wrong impression about his involvement in the current Black Sabbath lineup, we have temporarily removed Bill Ward’s images from the main pages of the official website. In accordance with Bill Ward’s attorney’s request, we are doing so for the duration of the forthcoming shows.”

  6. Kareem Badr says

    Van Halen and Sabbath should to a (not) reunited tour together. Just (not) like the old days!

  7. ilarionich says

    It’s good that someone rasponded on this situation, but I’m curious why they stated that birmingham gig is a charity gig only after bill’s letter that he was offered to play for free ?

    • Monte Self says

      Do you think they woulld have walked away from a gig having to pay the expenses ? it isn’t the money as Bill stated, it was “sit in for 3 songs and “see how it goes”” FTS ! those that are going HAVE FUN AT THE ‘LACK SABBATH” REUNION

    • Andreaus says

      They announced that it was a charity gig before Bill’s recent statement. Now, with the benefit of hindseight, having witnessed the incredible performance last night I have to wonder if Bill could possibly have been able to perform for just under two solid hours. I’m sure he still has the chops but that was a brutal set and totally amazing.

  8. Vinny Pavia says

    “I do hope to play with Bill again some day”
    This doesnt sound too promising to me
    What a shame
    Even if new album is great, it is already a dissapointment
    I personally have been waiting years to see what the boys would sound
    like nowadays
    Ozzy has been telling us for years”we love you all” Really?

  9. Earle Connelly says

    Out of all the members of Black Sabbath Geezer I feel is the one to believe, He was the one at Ronnie’s bedside when he left us he seems to be the one who speaks the truth like it or not . I also think bashing Ozzy makes no sense to do it is not him and if it was him and not Tony who was sick all the shit talking people hiding behind a keyboard and computer screen would be crying. Also Bill should not air certain things on the internet and he should also remember life is so short, He lost a friend in Ronnie, a friend in Cozy and one of his TRUE SABBATH BROTHERS is sick get over it Bill. Lets hope 2013 is the year Black Sabbath really returns if not so be it Instead of bashing members and their families maybe we can send out positive vibes for a full recovery for Tony.

    • Monte Self says

      you got to be kidding me ! “if it was him and not Tony who was sick all the shit talking people hiding behind a keyboard and computer screen would be crying.” Tony the riff master yeah no big deal LMFAO !. and “all the shit talking people hiding behind a keyboard and computer screen would be crying.” LMFGDAO ! .. just get rid of the net and go back to radio adds to deliver news feeds !!. “Also Bill should not air certain things on the internet and he should also remember life is so short” you surely must be talking about a different person or you do not know who Bill Ward is ! and whats wrong with freedom of speech ?, the internet is a great way to keep in contact with friends and fans for that matter, you don’t have to read everything everyone says and believe everything you read !, Bill on his Rock 50 show did a tribute to Tony so your saying Bill don’t care, he just did it to make the others think he does I suppose ?, Who’s Bashing Who ? , I’ll just believe in myself because no one else seems true.

  10. Oh, c’mon. Sorry, but this really won’t do. “It’s not us, it’s the “management””. The “management” sort out the contracts, it’s nothing to do with us. And “management” will say “Oh, well, we work for the artist, we only do what the artist tells us”- omitting, of course, to mention that the artist makes decisions and gives instructions on the basis of information supplied by the “management”. And sometimes the “management” forgets to tell the artist things. And had the artist known those things then (s)he might have decided differently……….all this is just passing the buck like they always do. Ultimately, it’s Osbourne, Iommi and Butler who are responsible for this mess, because the ultimate yes or no is theirs, not anyone else’s.

    • Amen.

      • Just a thought to add, if it’s all between agents and blah-blah then why bother letting you know there is a problem? I think highly of Geezer Butler, but I am not convinced by his statement. As for Sharon that some other fans have been mentioning…..I’d rather not speak of her.

  11. overmatik says

    It was about time, and Geezer did exactly what he needed to do. The whole bunch of evasive answers to Bill being posted by Sabbath on Facebook pages were being very disrespectful to the fans, so now at least we have received an honest response.

    That said, I still cannot understand how in a band of four guys who know each other for more than 40 years negotiations must be made ” between our representatives”. So what happens is, each representative only wants what is best for their client, and couldn’t care less for the interpersonal relations between the guys.

    Now that both camps have come clean all we can hope for is for the GUYS to reason among themselves and do what is the best for the band. Regardless of that, why always must the Ozzy drummer fill in for Bill, instead of a former and proper Sabbath drummer?

    • PatrickS77 says

      Wow! Both sides have come clean?? Jeez, do you also believe in Santa Clause and the easter bunny?? No one has come clean. They are just shifting blame.

    • A “proper” Sabbath drummer? There is only one “proper” Sabbath drummer -Bill Ward. All the rest are just pretenders.

    • In response to this comment: “So what happens is, each representative only wants what is best for their client, and couldn’t care less for the interpersonal relations between the guys.”

      That’s exactly what I’m afraid of. Each representative may be so focused on protecting only one individual’s rights, that a kind of divisive paranoia might set in and get in the way of looking for a win/win solution.

      Maybe they need a lawyer that specializes in mediation.

  12. TomOzzy123 says

    That’s why I hate social media sometimes. What these guys need to do is get together with all of the lawyers, agents, and band members and sit in a room and see who the culprit is or the breakdown to this problem. I wouldn’t be surprised Sharon Osbourne is in the mix somehow? However, it also sounds like Bill’s agent and lawyers are giving him bad advice, too, or none of them really know what’s going on? These guys are too old and rich enough not to bury the hatchet. They would be nothing without us fans. It’s time they put the fans before the money. The charity gigs are understandable without Bill, but he’d better be there for the new album and world tour or this could backfire on the whole reunion. They need not to be like Van Halen.

  13. It doesn’t matter what Geezer says, this is not a BS reunion tour. It doesn’t even come close. Sure, that Tommy guy can play drums, but it is simply not BS. The new album may sound like the old Sabbarh sound, it’s simply not the same without Bill. For BS it’s all clear,: finish the next 3 gigs without Bill and record the album with Bill. If the album is a succes, they can always go on the world tour that was planned. A child can figure this out.

    • I would venture to say that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for the new album to have the old Sabbath sound without William Ward.

    • 1. Are we to believe that Bill’s “unrealistic” demand was so much more than the other band members would get that it caused a rift the size of the Grand Canyon?More than Ozzy & Sharon Inc.? And for a one-off that is supposedly for the fans? 2. In the (roughly) year that these “negotiations” have been going on,you mean to tell me that nobody knew nuthin’ about nuthin’,except the “representatives”?Or that nobody other than the “representatives” knows how to pick up a phone? 3.Either Bill and/or his “representatives” are full of shit, or somebody else is. Some of this is pretty hard to swallow. 4.Until something is done,at the very least, about the childishness on the Sabbath website,credibility is pretty low. 5.And fer CHRISSAKE would you get Bill in to help write the album?! Just 4 guys in a room,like the old days.Simple,no? Curiouser and curiouser…..

    • Monte Self says

      Ditto to Tim above ! ^ , have you heard Psychoman and Selling My Soul ? even with all four it didn’t sound like the “old Sabbath” , it had a more Ozzy Osbourne feel to it, why ? because they maybe used a drum machine to help record it ?, also on Tony’s album “Iommi” with Ozzy Singing “Who’s Fooling Who ?” still had that Ozzy feel to it. other than that I like your thinking about “finish the next 3 gigs without Bill and record the album with Bill. If the album is a succes, they can always go on the world tour that was planned” as long as they don’t call it Black Sabbath even with Tommy !, call it something else, my best thought in tribute to Black Sabbath would be “IOMMI” but I’m sure Sharon would puke on that thought !.

  14. What about the comments removed on the Black Sabbath’s fb page? What about Black Sabbath’s website that have been deleting Bill’s pics? What about the “there’s only one Black Sabbath”? There’s something strange in this reconstruction. I really can’t think that Bill is the one to blame, the one that wants more money… Not to mention that Geezer says that Bill was not included in the songwriting process at all.

    • Monte Self says

      I have a roommate that I’ve know for over 30 years, we started a band back in the day, really great guitarist, went to GIT studied with the best. has never worked in a band I believe he deserved to be in, he got into some trouble a while back and I took him “under my wing” sort of to help and get him back on his feet, we did some “classic rock cover gigs” while I was hoping some deserving band popped up and now that one has the way he has been “rehearsing” is by playing along with mp3’s, which works just fine, I see no reason that Bill cannot do this as the technology for it is there, he could even record his track here in US and have them sent by email to whomever is doing the main tracks, although they might not be a final cut as they are just Ideas to throw in, the problem I would have as if I were Bill here would be that some other drummer may be getting ideas on how he would play it. main point here is he can be involved in the writing process without having to be there.

      • I don’t know,Monte. I think that would sound like what it is-a guy sitting in a room by himself playing drums to a computer screen.As a musician,would you not agree that it would be 10X better if the 4 of them sat in a room,together,and jammed? The sound of the music would then reflect that reality-much better IMO.

    • “At the request of Bill Ward, through his attorney, so as to not give the public the wrong impression about his involvement in the current Black Sabbath lineup, we have temporarily removed Bill Ward’s images from the main pages of the official website. In accordance with Bill Ward’s attorney’s request, we are doing so for the duration of the forthcoming shows.” BLACK SABBATH

  15. Ok Geez, the bottom line is that Bill’s going insane, pretending money for a charity show. And it took you months to say that, because you, Tony and Ozzy are doing all this just for the fans. Well, nice try.

  16. PatrickS77 says

    A load of BS. If it’s the representatives fault, then why not just pick up a phone and call Bill directly?? Also, the contractual problem was there, even before Bill supposedly demanded a unreasonable demand for the one Donwload gig. Remember, when he first talked about it, the tour was still on. Also what’s this shit about Ozzy, Geezer and Tony working on an album without Bill??? He is part of the band and was willing to be there. So why didn’t they let him?? That statement doesn’t clear anything up, it only tries to fully blame Bill.

  17. All I can say is I have always been pretty much pro-Bill in everything but his failure to mention the Birmingham gig was going to be done for charity damaged his credibility BIG TIME as far as I’m concerned.

    It goes on and on and on, it’s heaven and hell, huh?

    • ilarionich says

      No one ever heard it was a charity gig and I suspect it became “charity” only after Bills statement . maybe they just wanted to acquit themselves …. Who knows…

      • No it was, they just didn’t make much noise about it. It has always been a charity gig.

        • Monte Self says

          the “charity gig” was a go even if SABS didn’t show, they just won’t make as much charity now that Bill has been replaced by someone else.

        • Ilarionich says

          It proves what i was affraid of . Bill is not that angel he is trying to convince us he is

          • Monte Self says

            huh? when or where do you see he is “trying to convince us” that he is an angel ?

          • Monte Self says

            I just went to the o2 Academy page and it mentions nothing about a charity event, but either way charity or not should not matter in the whole case as to an Original Line-up Reunion, I really feel Tony, Geezer and Ozzy have not put forth a true effort to make this happen as 11-11-11 !

          • PatrickS77 says

            Well, just because it’s a charity gig doesn’t mean that Ozzy, Geezer and Tony are playing for free. They could donate a third of what they make and still it would be a charity gig.

          • ilarionich says

            So what the hell he was doing all this months ??? huh ?????

  18. why leave it till the last moment is all i can say which is a massive question you owed it to the fans to speak sooner not later after the slight on the Official site what excuse do you have for that as you that was the biggest question posed yesterday we still feel as though were being ignored and not addressed it’s wrong for a fan to feel this way it truly is ;(



  20. The main issue clearly is that the “representatives” are telling Bill he should play the new album and get none of the publishing. This is a common ploy to screw the ” side men ” out of getting paid on sales of the recording. It’s why Ozzy and Sharon re-recorded the first two Ozzy albums without the original bass and drums. Nothing more than greed. Geezer is represented by his wife, Ozzy by his wife and Tony frequently by Sharon as well, so to claim ” no knowledge ” is BS. If Bill hadn’t already been upset over the publishing issue I doubt the rest of this would have been so difficult.

    • Uh, Tony Iommi has his own management. Sharon Osbourne is NOT it.

      • Point taken Joe. I’m a huge fan of yours. Love the site. Love your dedication to Sabbath. I wasn’t saying Sharon is representing Tony in this instance. Only that she has in the past. If anyone can be excused in this ” clusterfuck” it would be Tony since he has more important things to deal with.

  21. Frank DeHaven says

    Perhaps WE(the fans) can make a kickstarter page and WE can get Bill Ward the money he wants to do the reunion.

    Surely $haron can’t object to that. Anyone got a kickstarter account???

  22. Luiz Souza says

    “BILL, BILL, BILL, BILL…” the louder you are playing tonight, the louder you’ll hear us say. You can t play louder than your real fans.
    put your earplugs, stay with your eyes low and think on the money $haron promised you. It’s the best way to go through this BOGUS reunion of BACK STABBATH.
    Come on, your “management”? A telephone call would solved this in seconds.
    You three look ridiculous without Bill on stage, as you look ridiculous on the edited photos on the “official” site.
    Spare your real fans – us – of more deception. End it NOW.
    No BIll, No Sabbath.

  23. I CALL BULLSH*T. I’ll use your own words as proof:

    Geezer says:

    ” and then for Bill to go public on his site about an un-signable contract.”

    So, you’ve known about it for months then, as that happened months ago. Right?

    “Unfortunately, to our surprise, Bill issued a statement on his site saying he’d been offered an un-signable contract.”

    Yes. Months ago. So, what did you do about it?

    “He hadn’t told any one of us he was having contractual problems, and frankly those things are worked out between our representatives, and never between the four of us”

    So if they’re “never between the four” of you, then why or how would you have expected him to tell any of you about it? ADDITIONALLY, according to you, “those things are worked out between our representatives” but those representatives represent YOU, and are not going to do things you don’t approve of, right???

    “let alone in public.”

    As Bill stated, he brought his statement public because he was being shut out in other venues. Sounds to me that you didn’t *want* to hear about it. This is what happens when you put representatives between you and your brothers. Way to go. So, please recognize the FACT that you are claiming that you didn’t know, but that this happened months ago (so you DID know), and that things happen through your representatives, who represent YOU. Their words reflect YOUR wishes.

    “As you may expect, a one off show at Donnington Festival (Download) costs an absolute fortune to stage, involving over 50 people, ” money etc bla bla bla. “Apparently, this wasn’t acceptable to Bill’s representatives, they wanted an amount that was so unrealistic that it seemed to have been a joke.”

    He was being shut out of communication, perhaps he would have had a better understanding of this if he was part of the discussions the rest of you were having… And he’s made it clear that he was already expecting contractural difficulties secondary to the past fiascos. He wanted to get the business done first rather than get raked over the coals as he was in the past – More than once, in fact.

    “So we resigned ourselves to doing Download without Bill, hoping he’d change his mind and at least make a guest appearance.”

    He made himself clear that the business wasn’t straight – What did YOU do to work it out? Bill put it all on the line, in full honesty, in public. He felt that he was forced to do so, by YOUR representatives. He has had his arms open to you from the start, and Black Sabbath’s reactions have been distant at best.

    “We started rehearsals a few weeks ago with Tommy Cluefetos, the drummer who will be on the Ozzy and Friends Tour. Brilliant drummer and good bloke.”

    No argument here. He’s playing for whatever salary he gets as an independent contractor, and gets a nice addition to his resume. He doesn’t want a “band member” cut like Bill does, right?

    “Then Bill put out a further statement saying he’d been ready to play the Birmingham show , but he was expected to have to do it “for free”- well, I think that’s basically how you raise money from gigs for charity – you play them “for free”.”

    Again, I sincerely doubt Bill is looking for anything other than expenses – Which I’m entirely positive YOU ALL are getting. Tell me I’m wrong. Honestly, you expect us to believe that Tommy is footing his own bills for this gig?

    BLACK SABBATH IS DESTROYING ITS OWN LEGACY OVER MONEY. The official Black Sabbath response stated that the band was choosing to not respond at this time – But then REMOVED all photos of Bill from the official website. I am genuinely heartbroken over this, and I’m embarrassed for the three of you. Maybe this statement was coming from *you* because you feel like you might be the next to be butted out and replaced by Blasko or something…

    Pay Bill the same as you get, PERIOD. If that’s not acceptable to him, then it’s his problem, not yours. If that’s not acceptable to you, then he was right all along.


    • Fucking BRILLIANTLY stated,Paulie. We may never get the truthful answers to these questions,but your logical deconstruction (or destruction,if you like) of this statement is impressive,indeed. One question though(and forgive my ignorance),who the hell is Blasko?

    • “Pay Bill the same as you get, PERIOD. If that’s not acceptable to him, then it’s his problem, not yours. If that’s not acceptable to you, then he was right all along.”

      Problem is, we don’t know if that’s what happening and who’s got a problem with it. We don’t have a clue how much money each member has been offered and has accepted or declined.

      For Geezer to blame his own representatives is just as pathetic as Bill doing it, wagging his tail in hope for mercy. Representatives do as they’re told, so in the end this matter is of course down to the four members to solve. If they want to…

    • I, also, find it hard to believe (impossible,in fact) that Bill,whether in regards to a show,a tour,or whatever,would be asking for more than what the other members are getting. Which means he is asking for,at the most,the SAME as everyone else.Which “they” seem to have a problem with.Which means he WAS right all along.Too bad he went off the deep end and requested he be removed from band pictures on the official Sabbath site.I WAS on his side in this “debate” until I found that out.Now,I just don’t give a fuck about any of it.It’s beyond repair, as is my loyalty to Black Sabbath.Sighhhh…

  24. wayne titus says

    hi geezer thanks for trying to clear up this issue i was totally supporting bill ward and still do as i feel his request for a 25% of 100% split betwwen 4 = 25% been a sabbath fan since i along with a handfull of fellow northerners etc saw that rare late night black sabbath gig on tv of what we now know is the paris concert ….i was doing something in the living room and the gig was on tv well electric funeral came on ( which strangely isnt on the now available release but it was that night and it blew me away i couldnt stand ozzys voice in the beginning and only used to listen to tonys guitars trying to block out the vocals lol i now love ozzys voice as a singer and dont know why i didnt always love it then there was your bass playing no noe plays bass like you geezer your a star a real one and bill wards drumming completes the aural phenomenom that IS BLACK SABBATH ALL FOUR OF YOU ARE AN EQUAL PART OF ONE BODY….hope you can sort it out good luck tonight guys …..with you in spirit ,,,wayne

    • wayne titus says

      ps do that gig the four of you on 12 12 12 ….bill wants to….end of the world etc ….love ….wayne

  25. BwanaBob says

    Unless I hear what the “ridiculous amount of money” that Bill wanted was, and unless I see what the other guys were getting,(don’t need numbers, just percents) I will still think that Bill is the one being screwed by “Lack Sabbath” (whoever came up with that gets a beer from me).

    I always thought Geezer was the sane one, above all this BS. LIke the band managers, he disappoints me greatly.

    I have 0 interest in a show or album without Bill Ward.

    Carry on, oh greedy ones. How do you sleep?

  26. pissed and hurt says

    Really Bil!!! We had to go through this primadonna crap once this year already with KK and the Judas Priest tour. Most of your fans have to comb the couch for beer money and to scrape together money for a ticket to these shows and you guys pull this shit. Suck it up for the fans for cryin out loud. Isn’t the thought of getting together with your mates, makin some new music, and making millions of fans happy enough???

    • Whaaattttt? In 35 years of following Sabbath,I’ve never heard ANYONE use “primadonna” and Bill Ward in the same sentence. There’s a reason for that-because it’s FUCKING UTTER NONSENSE. From what I understand,more than money(although money is surely a large part of it),what Bill wants is RESPECT,which you cannot put a dollar value on. And which he is not getting.Is that really too much to ask after 40+ years of service?

  27. Fed Up With Faith says

    Thanks for the comment but the stories are just not simular. Someones lying. There was no mention of playing the three songs and other things Bill has said. Atleast it was a statement from the other side. But either way for any of the four to let it pan out like this shows no respect for the fans or the Sabbath name. Plus why didnt Bill fly back to England with Geezer and Ozzy?

    The main thing is that no reunion should have been mentioned without everyone on board legally and as band mates. To let fans spend hundreds of hard earned money on tickets for a promised Black Sabbath reunion and then rip the carpet from their feet is just morally wrong and has no care or respect for the people who follow and love the band. We spend the money and all that has been thought about here is how the members can get theirs.

    Well though I will still go to Download (I have the ticket now…), as a loyal fan of the real Black Sabbath (1970-79) I am devastated that Black Sabbath wont be playing. The only reason I booked the tickets. I will watch Ozzy, Tony and Geezer but will only be sad to see Sabbath turn into the typical old rock and roll cliche, a shadow of their former selves. We expect it from dicks like axel rose but this is Sabbath…..

    I’m glad Tony is well and able to still play, wish they would all play together one last time, man I can’t believe how crap this is!

  28. Still wish it was Bill on drums. I somehow knew it was gonna be Ozzy’s drummer…makes sense since it’s always got to benefit him. I would much rather have Vinny Appice behind the kit, no offense to Tommy Clufetos…but Vinny is more Sabbath than him.

  29. Mike Hircsh says

    Geezer if this true Im really sorry about the anger I posted but clipping photos of Bill is not a answer if Bill is being unreasonable he;s not really admitting it. He’s being gentle about it.. Or business like, out of all Sabbath you were always the one who was sincere in interviews Im sorry good luck.

  30. henry mossberg says

    Thanks Geezer. I wish only the best for you, Tony, and Ozzy.
    Good luck in the studio, and with the next tour.
    I’ll be there, no matter who’s drumming.

    Just saw the new Avengers movie tonight, and Tony Stark spends most of his unarmored time in a Black Sabbath shirt with the Never Say Die pilot. I always liked that album title – they’re good words to live by.

  31. Really a shame that things went this far, and I really would have problems sleeping if I was Bill right now. Letting his fans down, and missing the opportunity to support Tony in the time he needs the most. IMO, this only shown us what Sabbath was always about: Geezer and Tony. Bill is just a small piece in this great story. Keep fighting Tony, and please keep playing for us Black Sabbath!!!

  32. does anyone one recall the last intimate gig black sabbath played in birmingham??? i do , i was there, and funnily enough that was a charity gig too..
    i could be wrong but i think this latest gig was also planned as a charity gig.

  33. I’m 53 yers old. Play guitar (61 Les Paul) been a Sabbath fan since they started. Seen the band live 14 times. Miss RJD dearly! Have the upmost respect for Tony for keeping the band going even when he may not have wanted too. I remember hearing the first album before the term “Heavy Metal” was even used. Was impressed by the bands sound because it was something I had never heard before. Ozzy was the voice then, maybe not the best singer at the time but his voice fit the music the band was playing to a tee. Stayed a fan through all the changes and am still a fan today. One of the reasons is that Sabbath always stood for something. They created a sound and style all their own. Every “Heavy Metal” band owes a debt to Sabbath even if Sabbath didn’t create heavy metal (as some people insist) Does Sabbath owe the fans and fellow mucisians anything? I think they need to go right back to the beginning. Four guys, little or no money, no greedy management or record companies. Just 4 guys (FRIENDS) creating music that was new not the normal flower power stuff of the day. Anti establishment, talking about the darker side of life a voice of and for the common person. Unforunatley that voice seems to have become a part of the estabishment. Lawyers- record companies – management – spouses – fans don’t care about those people and what they think. Ya it’s a business, business is MONEY. Money causes problems. Without the fans, there is no MONEY. Fans deserve loyalty from the bands they support. After all if no ones listening, no one will care what you sound like our what you have to say. If there is a new Black Sabbath album with the original lineup IT BETTER BE GOOD considering all the crap that’s going on right now. Anything less would leave a very bad taste in this fans mouth.

    To Tony – glad you are back, hope you are here for a long time to come
    To Geezer – just keep being Geezer
    To Ozzy – take care of your voice, looking forward to hearing it with Sabbath.
    To Bill – if this is the last original Black Sabbath album and tour it has to include you not a FILL IN

    To my fellow Sabbath fans, this sucks big time. Whether it’s money, power, legal crap or whatever, we don’t deserve this. Stop the bickering and get on with it. With all the stuff Sabbath has gone through this one is really hard to accept or understand. Enough already!

    Tony, Ozzy, Geezer and Bill. Remember where you started? Maybe the four of you should go back to that hall you used to practice in back when things were simpler. Take a look at where you are now, remember where you were then. It’s certainly not the fans creating the problems but the fans seem to be paying the price. Whatever needs to be sorted out JUST DO IT! If it’s to difficult then maybe you should just forget the whole REUNION thing. Quit giving the fans false hope.

    Iv’e said enough. BS to me means Black Sabbath not BULLSHIT which is what this has become.

  34. to the sabbath website
    gave you the wrong email address
    should be


  36. kev from emerald isle says

    i like the ending geezer, stay frosty, bit of humour in the mix, good man , must be the irish blood in ye.
    take it easy thanks for the update and great show last night.




  38. Why take the hard road?Why can’t we be friends?No need to worry.We’ll meet in the end.It’s a hard road.Carrying the long load.Remember that song,people?

    As fans we should be neutral and leave it alone.This is between the band and the various managements.It is not our concern.Yes,it is sad we won’t see Bill in this endeavour.But, we must remember his right to not participate.I am sure Tommy Clufetos will do a good job.Who ever is doing drums will do a good job.



  40. I just read Bill’s statement from the 15th and then Geezer’s response and I was saddened to see that Geezer had actually misstated what Bill said in his statement. If you guys are going to use the internet to talk to each other (which i think is a HUGE mistake, by the way), then you really should at least take the time to read each other’s statements and quote them correctly. Making each other look bad in your statements does nothing to make fans want to see you play! Bill Ward has every right to want to be treated as an equal in this band. Period. And anything other than that should not only be unacceptable to him, but it should also be unacceptable to his three original bandmates. The fact that it isn’t makes me very sad and truly unwilling to spend any money to see Black Sabbath. Without Bill, it isn’t Sabbath!

  41. lack of sabbath says

    I actually believed the hype about the original band members reforming. should have know it was bull.
    Bill Ward is 25% of the band . They should all be getting equal payment.
    Those first 6-7 albums must have been great by accident because its just business and greed now not art.
    Wish Tony iommi all the best.

  42. I love the band, since I saw them in the 70’s, was at the REAL Reunion in 1999, thought that was it, especially when Ozzy went all reality show? I wish Iommi the best, Ozzy should go back to Ozzfest and Butler should go back to his music and stop making excuses ‘in public’, since he hates that so much, or is that rule only for drummers? Drummers have always been disrespected in Rock, but, at least Led Zep retired the name after Bonham died. Bill Ward Lives.

  43. Robert Stanford Cam says

    I love Geezer Butler and all the other members, but why not calling Vinny Appice to be the drummer. This is Black Sabbath and not a Ozzy’s solo band…!!!

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