Tony Iommi Issues a Health Update

Just a day or so after I posted my “non update update”, Tony Iommi goes and issues an update on his situation over on his own website.  Just posted tonight (or tomorrow morning in the UK), there’s this message from Tony, which sounds promising.  As someone who has had a family member go through the EXACT same treatment that Tony is going through, I know he’s not joking about the tiring stuff.

27th March 2012


A little update on how it’s all going:

Well, I’ve had the last dose of chemotherapy so hopefully my body will start to get back to normal soon, the steroids were the worse. I’ve now got three weeks of radiotherapy coming up which I’m told can be very tiring so we’ll see. A big thanks to Ozzy and Geezer for coming over to England, it was a big incentive for me, we managed to work most days and have some great new tracks. And, importantly thanks again for your kind messages, hope to be seeing you soon.

– Tony


  1. almir cutrim costa júnior says

    Keep fighting, Tony. You’re very important to us, your fans worlwide.

  2. We love you Tone. Stay Strong. Looking forward to you Rockin’ again !!

  3. Buttsy Shaw says

    Tony get well soon. We all have you and your family in our prayers. God bless you!

  4. Manny Contreras says

    So happy to hear the good news! All of us the fans wish Tony the best and hope to see you soon!! God bless the Iron Man.

  5. This is of course great, but cautious news. Funny I was listening to a repeat of Bev Bevan’s radio show from last Tuesday just tonight and he mentioned that Tony was feeling better. I took it at face value as a listener had asked Bev how Tony was doing and Bev said he has seen Tony on a regular basis and that “he was doing better”. Bev didn’t get into any details on chemo or radiotherapy so it might have been gotten by the usual listener and not a huge fan like me. But like I said, I took at face value, not speculating until I, like you and everybody else, heard from Tony’s website. Now almost 30 minutes after listening to Bev’s repeat show, I happened to check Facebook and Eddie Trunk mentions Tony’s update. Go figure!

    • Wouldn’t it be interesting if the reason Bev was seeing Tony on a regular basis was because he was temporarily (or maybe fully) filling in for Bill? Of course I would love to see Bill back, but if not him then another former Sabbath member is better then a complete new guy.

      Get well soon Tony!

  6. Keep on fighting, IRON MAN!

  7. Wishing you courage and strength Tony and a Healthy recovery.
    (Joe I paln to donate to your page. )

  8. ed radulski says

    god bless we need u ur friend ed

  9. Cristiano says

    Is good to hear these news. I know what he is talking about. Let’s pray to a calm and good recovering. It’s like the Never say die’s Hard Road “We will meet in the end”

  10. Richard F. says

    Get well soon Tony, can’t wait to hear the new album! Keep strong!

  11. TomOzzy123 says

    Knowing first hand what Tony is going through, he needs our love, support, letters of encouragement, and prayer. His treatment sounds promising, but I know he is tired and ill from the chemo. When he does the radiation, it will even make him more tired. Working on his music is the best therapy for him, and I know that as a guitar player.

  12. I Am Iron Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good news!!!

  13. Stephen Palmieri says

    Tony we all hope the best for you, and hope that you recover from this. Just know the Sab fans got your back 120%

  14. José Manoel Gatto says


    I was raised hearing Black Sabath.
    It was one of the first albums Mom bought to me. I was 14.
    I hope I can hear Black Sabath for the next coming years.
    You are Black Sabath – like yhe others.
    Hope tou get better – you´re being tested – you´ll win!!

  15. Jeff Downing says

    You are totally unstoppable. In a world full of whining , excuses and even cowardice, you continue to stand far far above. Your strength is inspiring, and always has been. May your recovery be full and quick. Thanks for nearly 4 decades of gr eat music and fantastic guitar playing!

  16. Great to hear that Tony is doing well. I hope he continues to stay strong!!

    Any news on the Bill Ward issue?

  17. Great to hear things are going well. Good luck Tony!

  18. All the Best , Tony !! Keep on fighting !

  19. jake parker says

    tony you are the reason i play guitar and without sabbath, h”n”h, iommi records i dont know where id be
    looking forward to dowload keep fighting!.

  20. jake parker says

    tony “iron man” iommi

  21. Asalama alaykium(peace be upon you),Mr. Tony Iommi.I love you(as a fan,not hitting on you).I hope that ugly cancer goes away.If it doesn’t though,may G-d be with you.I believe you have been blessed with that guitar talent of yours.I have heard your music since 1993(when two people introduced me to it).I was into Hard Rock and Metal and yet I didn’t know who Sabbath was.

    MTV and radio didn’t really play alot of Sabbath(if any).The net wasn’t introduced yet.I was not aware of the Hard Rock magazines.My dad was into Classic Rock and didn’t listen to or own any Sabbath.So, how was I supposed to know who they were?I knew who Ozzy was and that was it.But,then two songs were played for me.

    Next thing I know,there’s church bells ringing with thunder and lightning.Then this guitar riff that sounds like the soundtrack to a horror movie plays.Then I hear Bill Ward’s drums and Geezer’s bass riffs.Then Ozzy’s scary voice saying,”what is this that stands before me?”I was amazed from that point on.Then I hear “I am Iron Man!”Then that awesome riff we all know afterwards.

    Then in 2001 I start to investigate the whole catalog.From 93 to then I listened mostly to Blues,R and B,Classic Rock and Rap.But now it is mostly Rock,Metal,and Punk.Anyways,I am aware of all the songs and albums now.I even like Forbidden(as awful as it was).It is safe to say that because most people do and so do the band members involved.But,the thing is I love Black Sabbath.

  22. God bless you and watch over you!

    All the best,

  23. I’m glad to hear you’re doing good. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. Remember to always keep the faith. Keep up the good fight Sir, we’re looking forward to hear the new album!!

  24. Please get well soon tony, i pray for you

  25. Monte Self says

    ROCK because your the one that CAN SIR !
    ROCK because we dont want the CANCER !

  26. Get well soon, dear Iron Man!

  27. Tony doesn’t need god’s help, well, maybe if god is up there somewhere he’ll help him but if he isnt – than to hell with him. Tony will get well I have no doubts about it, then in the 8th month of this year he along with sabbath will release the new album and THEN we’ll see him on tour in late 2012 or 2013, no doubts about that either. the only thing I have doubts about is whether or not sabbs will come to Croatia. but that is irrelevant in the end too because I’ll go to the end of the world and below to see them live. period

    still, best wishes

  28. Long Live the King!! Tony Iommi, I just read your book, finished literally days before the world was notified of your battle! You’re a fighter, you’re gonna beat this thing…medical science today is amazing.

  29. An inspiration, mr tony iommi. Cu at download!

  30. Tony, you are the best rock guitarist in the world and a great composer! Your music unites millions of people around the world! You still have something to say to the world, you are needed by the people and I believe that you will win this fight because God is with you and your fans! Thanks for the music that you are giving us!!

  31. I’ve been riffing away on “Zero the Hero” every afternoon to send Tony some good vibes… YAY! I hope it’s working! LOL

  32. Darth Pariah says

    Tony, you have been an inspiration to me ever since I first put “Heaven And Hell” on my turntable back in 1981. You have given me so much enjoyment over the years. All I want is for you to get better. You are in my prayers and thoughts.

  33. Get well soon, Tony. Looking forward to seeing the band at Download.

  34. Tony, I’m praying the LORD will heal you completely, just ask Him.
    By His stripes you will be healed! He took it for you.
    We love you!
    Rock on Tony!

  35. Your gonna kick the sh#t out of this cancer Toni if anyone can it’s definitely you you are the iron man my friend

  36. Alexandre Inácio Ferreira says

    Tony , You are the Iron Guitar Man, that means …. You are the best . Stay Strong. !!!!

  37. richard vernon says

    Please stay strong, get better. I love you Tony! You’re like family to me. Sabbath and what you have brought to music has been vital to a lot of people. You are the best!! Heads up. I pray for you!

  38. Well, toni, keep on fighting…i’m thinking about you…I’m praying for you and i’m sending to you all the best vibes i can…
    Take care !

  39. get well pal.

  40. Best wishes for a soon and full recovery. Beyond the musician who have brought great master pieces is the man, and this man have proved himself a winner that have overcame adversities during his whole life. Best of lucks in this fight against an old disease who keeps attacking mankind, but won’t win this fight against the Iron Man.

    God bless you Tony, get well soon.

  41. george leal says

    Tony, we are all praying for you, and we are sure you’ll get over pretty soon!! ready for another great world tour! Include BRAZIL!!! You can’t imagine the # of BS fans over here, we can fill rapidly many stadiums almost the size of Maracana (inclusive) to see you guys over here !!
    george leal/fortaleza brazil

  42. don’t know if you’ll see this, but you changed my life. get well soon.

  43. Hi Tony,
    Iam a Big fan.
    your the best guitarist.

  44. Tom Batt says

    just started going through the same myself! surround yourself with positive people and you will come through it Get soeone to look up LT.Robert Lawrence,MC who got shot in the head at the Falklands, taught his daughter and had the privilage of meeting him in the flesh, total recovery and doing some great charity work for ex forces personneldrives a fast car and is a great guy to meet! good luck

  45. Joaquim Pedro Viana says

    I just knew the health condition of the great Tony Iommi, unfortunately I had a similar situation recently, I can only say that it is very difficult for family and friends, but much worse for those who go through this difficulty. So I wish you get well soon, and i hope that we can meet in Milan in June.

    Get well soon …

    Sabbath greetings

  46. Glenn Bradley says

    No one is any tougher than Tonny Iommi, keep batling on.. True Legend..

  47. Ed in California says

    Keep strong Tony. All of our good intentions and yours will get you though this challenge,.

    I have been listening to the first album’s music this evening and it brought back all kinds of great memories from early 70’s. You ROCK !!!!

    Thanks for being such a great inspiration for all of these years. I still have my original Black Sabbath LP from 1970.

  48. Joe McAllister says

    Well wishes on this fight Tony. If you beat this cancer as well as you play guitar. This cancer is so F$#$%^ing going to get its ass kicked. So wanting you to shred the USA with those guitar skills again. Miss you Ozzy , Geezer and Bill ripping the roof of the venues. One More Song, One More Song.

  49. David Dail says

    your the life blood of black sabbath!!..But before anything else, GET WELL!! AND HOPE TO SEE YOU(ALL) IN THE US THIS YEAR!!.

  50. Ray Mcbride says

    Hi Tony, You have been a great part of my music life for over 40 years. I have seen you in all the
    Sabbath formations, and loved every one. I hope you get well soon, and look forward to seeing you
    healthy soon.

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