It’s giveaway time again! A week from this coming Tuesday is the US release date for the Black Sabbath… uh, “Heaven & Hell” new studio album, “The Devil You Know”. If you’ve been living under a rock, then you don’t know this is the first full studio album by the Dio incarnation of Black Sabbath since 1992, and the first full new album of music by Black Sabbath (yeah, yeah, yeah) since 1995’s Forbidden. Inbetween we got two new studio tracks with Ozzy in 1998, one live track in 2001 on the Ozzfest tour, and three new tracks with Dio in 2007. But this is the first full studio album by whatever the frig this band wants to call itself in way too long.
And you can win one – free! I’m here with another in my long series of giveaways by trivia contest. Rhino has been kind enough to send me over five copies of the album to give away to you, the site visitor! This is the standard release (not the Best Buy 2 disc version, I can’t get those for giveaway, quantity is too limited). If you win one of these, you’re likely to get it before the release date if you’re in the US, as I’ll be sending ’em out the same day the contest closes. :)

If you don’t win one of the free ones in my contests, please go support the label and the band by buying copies. In fact, even if you do win one, I say you should go buy one anyway and give one to a friend. The band deserves the support for still being out there making music and touring at their ages. :)
ALBUM ORDERING INFO: First are some links you can use to order the album.
US:’s physical CD page
UK:’s Page
US: Best Buy Ordering Page (Exclusive US 2 Disc version, 1 CD, 1 DVD)
UK: Ordering Page (UK 2 Disc version, 1 CD, 1 DVD)
Don’t cross buy the DVD’s. The DVD’s are region encoded. The one from Best Buy is Region 1, and the one from is Region 2. If you buy out of region and don’t have region free or a proper region DVD player, you won’t be able to see it. If you don’t know what region encoding is, go read this. You’ll learn something.
As per my contests in the past, you’ll need to answer a few trivia questions about the band. If you get them all right, you’ll be put into a drawing for a copy of the new CD. Here are the questions you need to answer:
- What was the first song written by the Dio incarnation of Sabbath after Dio started jamming with the guys originally?
- On the new album, there’s a track by the name “Rock & Roll Angel”. What was this track called earlier in the album’s production?
- Vinny Appice played his own drums on this album. Whose kit did he play on the three tracks from 2007’s “The Dio Years”? (They weren’t his)
- Dehumanizer & The Devil You Know were recorded in the same studio. What’s the name of that studio?
- Who plays keyboards on the new “The Devil You Know” album?
You need to send your answers for the questions and your name and address to There’s two important things here. First the email must go to this address. Second, you have to include your name and address. IF YOU FAIL TO COMPLY WITH THESE TWO SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS, YOUR SUBMISSION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. The contest will run through Thursday morning the 23rd of April at 9AM Central Time (my time, which is the Central Time Zone in the US). You don’t have to be in the US to be eligible to win.
One other thing, if you just won the other giveaway I had with the autographed version via the cover art contest – you’re not eligible. Give someone else a chance. :)
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