The New Album is dated and named! [ UPDATED ]

I’ll just get right to it, since you don’t want to her me run on..
The name of the new Black Sabbath album is “The Devil You Know”. It is supposed to be released on April 28th from Rhino records.
I picked up this news this morning from this story over at the website (via a link from Blabbermouth). I’m attempting to independently confirm this news with my own contacts in the band. If anything changes or I have more information, I’ll report back. A couple of big unknowns still.

  1. Who is playing keyboards? Probably Scott Warren, but I can’t get anyone to say.
  2. What’s the cover art look like?

Here are the known track titles:

  • Rock ‘N’ Roll Angel (formerly called Rock & Roll Jesus, apparently)
  • Neverwhere
  • Breaking into Heaven (described as a “slice of sloth-like majesty)
  • Bible Black
  • Double Pain
  • Atom & Evil
  • Eating the Cannibals

As I said above, I’ve queried my friends at Rhino, and my connections in the band to verify this – I’ll report back when I have something to add.
UPDATE: I heard back from my contact at Rhino who confirms that this is indeed the name of the album, and the Apr 28th date is valid. So that’s all solid news. I was also told I’d be receiving a proper press release about the new album later in the day – so look for that when I get it.