Tony Martin Update

Noticed a short Tony Martin update this morning, thought I’d pass it along.

“I had hoped that I’d been doing more shows this year since I hooked up with a Canadian agent but it didn’t work out, so I’m going to be concentrating on a new album instead. I already have some things in mind and some of the demos are sounding quite good so as that gets closer I’ll let you know more.
“But I did a seminar recently in England which is unusual for me! It was by way of an accidental meeting actually, because my lady has been taking medical treatment in East Anglia and the clinic she was at is close to a music store and teaching school called Planet Music. I called in briefly to have a look around and the guys in there turned out to be great. So I ended up doing a seminar on the industry and vocal stuff. It was cool!! So I’d just like to thank those guys and wish them luck.”

Thanks blabbermouth. If you’ve never checked out Tony’s 2005 solo release, “Scream”, you really should. While the CD is somewhat hard to come by now, it is available at a pretty good price at’s mp3 store. You can also check out some samples via this mp3 widget below.