Black Sabbath (Ozzy, Tony, Geezer, Bill) was inducted into the UK Hall of Fame last night amongst other rock legends such as Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Bob Dylan, and more. A show about the ceremony will be broadcast in the UK on Channel 4 tonight, Thursday 17th November 2005, and in the USA on VH1 on Saturday 26th November. Black Sabbath played one song, “Paranoid” (a stunning choice there). They were joined onstage by Slash on guitar, and Ozzy of course dropped trou. Like we need to see Ozzy’s mid 50’s bum. :)
Bill Ward had this to say about the induction over on his website:
‘Wow, I¹m shocked,’ was my first reaction. Then, ‘This feels pretty good. What a nice surprise, Black Sabbath being honoured in the U.K.’ Yes, I think that¹s a really cool thing to happen for us. Thanks U.K. Hall of Fame.
He’s the only one of the four to actually have a personal statement on their websites about this. I’ve also kept quiet about this story, because my opinion is one that most people probably won’t have, and that is “Who cares?” A few years ago Ozzy came out and told the main Hall of Fame (the US one) to don’t bother with Black Sabbath, to “take their name off the list”. Quite frankly, I agree with that. It’s one subject I get a lot of feedback over on the website. “When will Sabbath be inducted?” or “Please run my petition…” (my regulars should know how I feel about THAT). Anyway, I ask you people. Why? What does it honestly matter? Black Sabbath has their name on a plaque hanging on a wall in Cleveland, Ohio is supposedly some mecca worthy of all the attention this subject gets? Really? WHY? I fail to understand why people give a crap at all about Hall of Fame inductions. So Sabbath isn’t in. What does that really mean? Does it make you enjoy the music less? Does it make Iommi’s guitar work less powerful? I don’t care if they EVER get into the HOF, and neither should you – it’s way WAY up there on the “who cares” chart? I’m sure for the Sabs themselves it’s an honor, and that’s cool. But it really shouldn’t matter at all.
There’s a mini site online over at the UK’s Channel 4 Website about the induction, go check it out. I find it amusing that they have an Ozzy solo band picture in the Black Sabbath photo gallery (and an obscure one at that, it has Carmine Appice in it), as well as a picture of Tony Iommi with Jethro Tull too. On the plus side, they have a Born Again promo picture in there and they mention the Heaven & Hell album. :) Speaking of pictures, enjoy the pic of the guys together at the ceremonies, as I personally think it’s the last time they’ll be together for awhile (that’s a gut feeling, I have no facts to base that on).

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