Who is Lunarmile? That’s the band with Toni-Marie, the daughter of Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi on vocals.
The band is currently engaged in an unsigned band competition on the Kerrang radio site in the UK. LunarMile is up against four others, and it would be cool if you could help out Toni-Marie and the rest of the guys in LunarMile. Here’s some details from the website where the contest is being held:
Carslberg @ Rockingham Unsigned Competition
Carlsberg presents ‘probably the best Unsigned band festival in the world’ – Powered by K105.2 Rockingham is a cool raceway venue that is hosting the unsigned event on October 1st.
We are helping to find 2 bands that will play on the day, going up against 6 other bands. There will be a panel of industry judges there and Ugly Phil is hosting the day!
As the event is October 1st, the time to vote is RIGHT NOW. GO HERE to the Kerrang Radio site and submit your vote for LunarMile today. There’s further details on all this at the Rockingham site, too.
More information on LunarMile itself can be found at their website at http://www.lunarmile.com.

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